Friday, October 9, 2009

Meet the photog who shot "Going Rogue" cover photo

His name is John Keatley, and he has a blog:
"After much planning and scheduling, I put together a crew and flew up to Alaska for six days to photograph the former governor. It was supposed to rain the entire week we were there, but we ended up getting blue skies and puffy white clouds the entire time. After a few days of scouting and prepping, I shot for three days straight. The last day we went to Hatcher Pass which holds a lot of meaning for Sarah. I had already scouted the pass a few different times, and I knew exactly where we were going to shoot. Every last detail was in place. After shooting at the base of the pass near a river, we caravaned up to the top of the pass where we were planning to shoot the final location. Half way up, I noticed the beautiful light that was sweeping across the valley, and the clouds that were developing on the horizon. I told the driver to stop, we had to change our plans. This last minute change ended up being the final setup we would do with Sarah, and it also ended up being the cover image."
First Update: We don't know why, but Keatley has deleted the post on his blog.

Second Update: The post is back up at Keatley's blog (Link), minus all of the photos except the one chosen for the cover of Going Rogue.

- JP


  1. I wonder if the photog took the pictures down due to excessive traffic, or maybe a possible contract violation.

  2. Keatley deleted the post. Son of a gun.

    - JP

  3. I wonder why he deleted it? Josh, tell us about the other photos that were on the page..

  4. At least, there is a record of his reflections. |^)

  5. hmmm wonder why? Save what you have here, Josh. It may be important!

  6. I can only hazard a guess. Since the photos were taken for HarperCollins as possible cover shots for Sarah's memoir, they are all likely the property of the publisher, not the photographer. Therefore, Keatley cannont publish them on his blog without the express written permission of HarperCollins.

    As I recall there was a shot very similar to the cover photo, except Sarah was looking straight on at the camera instead of off in the distance. Same jacket, hair down.

    There was also a photo of her standing on a dock by a lake. She was wearing a different jacket.

    And there was an in-studio close up of her which I didn't think was flattering. It was one of those rare photos of Sarah Palin in which she didn't look absolutely stunning. She was also wearing red, but she had her hair up in her trademark beehive, which I also don't much care for.

    That's about all I can remember about the other shots. HarperCollins chose the best one for the book cover, IMO.

    - JP

  7. Here's google's cache of the blog:

    Does anyone know how to capture a cache?

    I'm going to grab all the photos anyway ...

  8. P.S. You can't right click to grab the photos. :(

  9. The post is back up at Keatley's blog, minus all of the photos except the one chosen for the cover of Sarah's book:

    - JP


    if you want to save them, just do screen caps and save!

    PS: Josh - the red jacket one is not my favorite either :)
