Friday, October 30, 2009

Iowa: The final Solution

Shane Vander Hart bottom-lines it nicely:
"She’s not coming, but would like to in the future. She’d also come for free."
The Caffeinated Thoughts blogger also links to an excellent take-down of Politico smear artist Jonathan Martin. Turns out that most of Martin's sources in Iowa he tapped for quotes to juice up his smear have Romney connections. Shane notes that this is entirely by coincidence, but he didn't use a /sarc tag. Also, we can't see if he is rolling on the floor, laughing his rear end off and scaring the cat. 

- JP


  1. Hmmm, I called it as Huck supporters, since he's supposedly so deep in Iowa ...

    Oh well, right idea, wrong weasel ...

  2. The last sentance was made with my tongue firmly planted in cheek.
