Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Gingrich Glum While Palin Glows After Hoffman Endorsement

- by Ian Ransom

It's so heartbreaking to watch a deck-hand go down with a sinking ship, especially when there are still plenty of lifeboats available, and all sensible passengers have long-since abandoned the doomed vessel for a boat that'll actually float. Yet, the disoriented swabber remains frozen and indecisive near the prow, hoping that his poor judgment might be mistaken for some sort of heroism--even as the waters of doom start to swirl around his disappearing feet.

That basically sums-up what I saw while watching Newt Gingrich complain to Greta Van Susteren the other night in the aftermath of Sarah Palin's endorsement of the Conservative Party's Doug Hoffman. Of course, Newt stood by his own endorsement of NY's 23rd District Republican candidate, Dede "I'm-not-a-real-conservative-but-I-play-one-on-TV" Scozzafava. Sure, Gingrich tried to sound cool and collected when Susteren asked him how it felt to be so out of touch with reality, but the insidious odors of underlying petulance were clearly filling the studio. I think I saw a couple of Greta's nose hairs sizzle and burn as bitter Newt-breath billowed:
"So I say to my many conservative friends who suddenly decided that, whether they're from Minnesota or Alaska or Texas, they know more than the upstate New York Republicans? I don't think so. And I don't think it's a good precedent."

There you have it. Newt Gingrich's rationale for utterly ignoring the vast majority of the GOP's base. Behold the obstinance, while voters in every district are confused enough by threats to conservative identity fostered through Newt's politics-as-usual approach. Does Gingrich really believe that the unity of a disconnected party is hindered by strong leadership coming from across the nation, at a time when what the GOP needs most is unifying leadership on a national scale?

In light of the widespread and thunderous uprising of grassroots conservatives across America, this kind of narrow Beltway vision has bypassed the relentlessly flogged "dead horse" phase. It's way beyond time for that animal to be buried. Newt made a mistake by failing to properly assess the needs of a conservative constituency that's been getting distilled misinformation about candidates from dominating liberal media outlets; yes, even at the district level. Like so many at the GOP's helm, Gingrich is ignoring this peril and, in turn, castigating those in his own party who are principled enough to sweep away cobwebs and help conservatives (anywhere and everywhere) properly identify their own, like-minded leaders!

Gingrich and others like him can gnash their teeth all they wish, but the tables have been turned and now they stand outside the door while the people (with help from leaders like Sarah Palin) are finally getting down to business within. The only difference is that Newt can walk through the same portal and join the ranks anytime he wants. There are no locks, here. This is not the sort of exclusive, "closed discussion" he and the Beltway Boys are used to.

Best of all, there's no charge for admission--save for courage and a bit of common sense.

- Ian


  1. Palin 1, Newt 0

    Perhaps Gingrich was in a cave in North Korea or something when the TEA parties were raging across the country- he sure seems to have missed the message...

  2. Ian, you are an uncommonly good writer. Your first paragraph could be submitted for a Bloggers' Pulitzer.

    Oh, and you're damned right.

  3. As long as the RINOs retain control of the Republican party Gingrich is considered the intellectual leader. However, with the Conservative taking control Gingrich would lose a lot of his power to Palin as the leader of the party.

    Gingrich's ego is too big to let him play second fiddle to Gov Palin so he would rather fight and go down putting him on the outside as an ankle biter of the newly regenerated GOP>

  4. "Biff Beltway." That is the new moniker for all the fine "down my nose at you" yahoos who think they knows better (no matter where they hail from). The dames is now "Buffy Beltway." That oughts ta sum up theys elite snootifying attitoods!

    (hey meeester. wants you a leeetle power? sell you soul. you no use eeet any way, no?)

  5. I like the "gnashing of teeth" dig.
    It just works.
    Like bananas and peanut butter.

    Matthew 24:50-51
    50 the master of that servant will come on a day when he is not looking for him and at an hour that he is not aware of, 51 and will cut him in two and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. (NKJV)

  6. Thanks, all. Newt still has a little time, but he'd better snap-to, 'cause there'll be weeping and wailing before it's over, in addition to the aforementioned teeth-gnashing.

    Those sounds won't be emanating from Sarah and her fellow conservative Americans.

  7. I don't know what the story is with Newt. The guy must have sold his conservative soul or something. This isn't the same man who lead the conservative revolution in 1994. Newt is merely a tired, sorry, sad excuse of a former man of greatness.
