Friday, October 23, 2009

Palin Shows True Grit with Hoffman Endorsement

- By Ian Ransom

Sarah Palin's endorsement of Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman over Dede “I’m-going-to-the-ball-dressed-as-a-Republican” Scozzafava in New York's 23rd District House race is indeed a daring line-in-the-sand, if ever one was drawn. The ramifications? Well, to crib a line from one of Tolkien's characters: "The quest stands upon the edge of a knife. Stray but a little and it will fail, to the ruin of all."

Comfy beltway boys & girls of the GOP are quivering on such a brink. They're steaming-up D.C. with their own nervous sweat, turning Barry's Town into a bigger, swampier, more treacherous jungle than it already is. But that's a good thing. When you're lost in the jungle you've got to find your way out or die, even if it means hacking through with a machete. You may even have to chew your way to safety. Wouldn't everyone like to see Newt Gingrich gnawing on a banana tree or, perhaps, a clutch of kudzu vines?

No. That’s why the GOP's "journey" in the coming months won’t be some idyllic drive along the coast, with the convertible top down and wind rippling through Mitt Romney's magnificent Mormon-hair. Line-blurring GOP birds won’t be able to roost in the shadows much longer, and Palin's endorsement of Hoffman is the loudest pheasant-scattering gunshot we've heard across the landscape thus far. The brilliance of this trigger-pulling comes at an ideal moment for Palin and for the teetering party. Make no mistake: instead of throwing herself under the bus (as some in her own party would like), Palin's invocation of Reagan-conservatism in connection with such a move generates light that will be very difficult--and unwise--for waffling GOP leaders to ignore, even in the midst of their thickening fog.

Too, the Hoffman endorsement provides yet more evidence of Palin’s frontier-style grit and spirit of "no compromise" when it comes to safeguarding bedrock conservative priorities. The longstanding continuity of her leadership in this regard cannot be denied, even by a conservative pundit like Dennis Miller, who (in a rather petulant and illogical bit of recent commentary on Bill O’Reilly’s show) insinuated that Palin's upcoming appearance on “Oprah” somehow nullifies her status as a genuine "rogue." Sorry, Dennis. You're a good guy and Oprah may ask you to visit next year. Don’t give up.

As for you, fellow grassroots conservatives, don’t give up on the GOP. Not just yet. The balance may be starting to tip in the right direction. One thing is certain: Sarah’s now given it a rather crucial nudge.

- I R


  1. Nice post. It reminds me of something I heard the other day about Sarah and her intention to help conservative America "hijack" America back to greatness under the rule of the Constitution and away from the political class rooted in D.C.

    I like the idea of hijacking our country back from this dismal course.

  2. Thanks, Thomas. I also like the idea of actively taking-back, of rescuing and restoring, and thus improving America utilizing conservative principles that never become obsolete, and tenets that every reasonable citizen can embrace at the most basic level. The loss of our uniquely ~American~ exceptionalism truly frightens and angers me--the good kind of angry.

    Sarah's endorsement today is important because it's a potential watershed moment; it comes at a time when GOP leaders are going to have to react (to some extent) to this very public challenge, and be forced to face the scrutiny of 73% of their constituents, who feel they've betrayed the party's bedrock identity. People like Sarah, Santorum, Fred Thompson et al are turning that light on and, by boldly invoking the legacy of Reagan in conjunction with their actions, making some really powerful things start to happen. This is about America, not about little messiahs, and I think it's going to be an exciting time to watch conservatives rise up and reclaim this incredible nation.

    Much left to do, however. Much left to do...

  3. "wind rippling through Mitt Romney's magnificent Mormon-hair" lmaoooooooooooooooooo

    great post, couldn't agree with you more, another example of the RINO establisment class in DC (which hated Reagan in the '70's) being on the wrong side of history
