Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Debunking Two More Media Lies About Sarah Palin

The liberal media has no decency. It is so in the tank for our radical leftist president that it has been reduced to spreading lies about the political figure who represents the greatest threat to him. The editors of two other state-controlled media outlets -- the Soviet Union's cold war era Pravda and Izvestia -- could get away with such deception, but fortunately we still have some media watchdogs here in the USA who bark when they see a media lie.

CNN, Huffington Post and others have spread the lie that Sarah Palin recently posted her resume on LinkedIn because she's now out of work and looking for a job. While gullible "progressives" take such nonsense at face value, a thinking person questions why someone who just received a six-figure paycheck for a speech in Asia and a multi-million dollar book advance would be looking for a job. Actually, the Palins' are now enjoying their new financial security, and Todd Palin was able to resign from his position with BP to spend more time with his family and supervise some home improvements being made on their property in Alaska.

Fay at Sarah's Web Brigade and Mel at C4P have the facts: Sarah Palin was on LinkedIn long before she decided to resign as Alaska's governor. She wasn't sending out resumes; she was accepting them. 

Another media lie being spread by People Magazine, many gossip columnists and nutroots lefty blog goons is that Sarah Palin allegedly refused an invitation from Oprah Winfrey to appear on her show during the campaign last year. The well-documented truth is that it was Oprah that refused to have Palin on her show, not the other way around, as the revisionists would have you believe. Associate Editor Noel Sheppard has the true story at

Bottom line: The media whores are so desperately in love with Barack Obama that they will tell any lie, distort any fact and just make things up about Sarah Palin when it suits their purposes, which is just about 24/7. Be ye not deceived.

Update: Leftist moonbat Celtic Diva flat-out lies, as usual:
"You can see that as much as the Palinista websites are claiming Oprah begged Palin to be on, they are incorrect."
Moonbat Manure! Here are Oprah's own words from last year, when she whined about trying to get Palin to come on her show:
"I went and tried to talk to Sarah Palin and instead she talked to Greta [Van Susteren]. She talked to Matt [Lauer]. She talked to Larry [King]. But she didn't talk to me."
How can you tell when leftist moonbat bloggers are lying? It's whenever they are using their keyboards...

- JP


  1. We are not deceived, on this end of the spectrum. But, it's always good to be reminded because of the sheer avalanche of lies promulgated regarding Sarah. I've never seen anything like this; I don't think that there is a contemporary analog in terms of the willful decline of mainstream media in its calculated race to destroy one public figure. I'm not sure if you'd agree, but I think that what the Leftist media (aka Pretty Much The Entire Media) has perpetrated specifically concerning Sarah meets the criteria of being an actual phenomenon. It merits historical documentation, I believe, because it seems to embody or signify a confluence of ruinous trajectories on the part of the most influential powers of the Information Age. To wit: Attacking Palin is an attack by the self-absorbed urban elite against the last bastions of rural American life. Attacking/misrepresenting Palin is the most glaring symptom of modern tendencies toward the denigration and vilification of Christianity and the specific "life," familial and societal values that are part and parcel of orthodox Christianity (Catholic, Reformed Protestant, Evangelical, Eastern Rite) as it has manifested itself in American culture. Attacking Palin is an attack upon common sense in an age when a mass chaotic mindset is preferable to secure the success of so many progressive causes and themes. It's insidious, really. This is a particularly defining moment in our history, as far as the direction our nation will take toward its destiny, and this one woman, this responsible public servant who really could come from Everytown, America (and admits that this is indeed where she comes from!), is at the center of a massive concerted effort by an equally gargantuan system to be destroyed, apparently at all costs. It's as close to being a "plot" as one can get, and it's huge. The Leftist machinery wants to shift the paradigm once and for all, and intuits that taking down Sarah Palin will seal the deal and subjugate that half of America considered irrelevant. It ought to make every moderate-to-right American citizen as mad as hell, this monstrous betrayal.

    I'll say one other thing: Hollywood and Madison Avenue need to be assaulted and reduced by moderate-to-right American people perhaps more than any of the various other Leftist machines. These two image-making fortresses wield far too much power and influence right now, given that they possess virtually no substance, no innate credibility whatsoever. The Leftist hypocrisy emanating from these two sectors is mind-boggling. Yet, moderate-to-right America is still kissing Hollywood's ass, still buying what they are told to buy, for the most part. Man, we've got work to do.

    Sorry for the essay, but your post about the media really got my dander up this morning--in a good way. Just mention "Huffington" and I'll go on for days. Thanks for keeping on "keeping on."

  2. No need to apologize for the essay, Ian. It is welcome here.

    You have mail.

    - JP

  3. Ian, totally agree with you. When the history of the 2008 election and beyond is written about years from now, the treatment of Gov. Palin will a huge part of the historic record. Ziegler's Media Malpractice and the book now in pre-release, The Persecution of Sarah Palin are the first attempts to document what the media has done. Probably nothing the media has done before or since has hurt their credibility as much as their assault on Gov. Palin, which they can't help but continue with.

  4. To be fair, AFTER THE ELECTION, Oprah went and tried to get Palin on her show.

  5. Great post Josh. I really despise the MSM. Thank heavens for sites like yours where we can start to separate facts from fiction.

    Ian, thanks for your response. I think you are spot on.
