Thursday, October 29, 2009

Miracle on 23rd Street

Don Surber, citing the latest NY-23 poll:
Markos Moulitsas — Kos — backed Scozzafava in this race. She is down 9 points in his poll since then.

Sarah Palin backed Hoffman. He is up 9 points since then.

Who is the fool now, fool? Barack Obama carried this district.
Meanwhile the latest hatching at Big Lizards:
Evidence is mounting (a favorite liberal-stream media word) that far from making a "blunder," Sarah Palin had her finger on the crystal ball: Hoffman looks like a winner now, and Palin was the first Republican heavy-hitter to come out for him.
The Lizards acknowledge that Fred Thompson endorsed Hoffman before Palin did, but point out that Fred, much as well all love the big lug, does not represent the GOP's future. We were Frederalists back when the man who portrayed Rear Admiral Joshua Painter in a submarine movie you may have seen, but we have to agree that Fred is not likely to make any more runs for the White House. Still, we can see him cast in the role of mentor and Chief of Staff in some future administration... 

- JP

1 comment:

  1. I think i missed that movie, Josh! haha But then, I don't watch many movies.

    Love the title of the post - Miracle on 23rd Street. Good one.

    I know more about Fred's wife than I do about him, actually, because I see her so frequently on Fox. Love Jeri!
