Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Brennan: Palin will rally voters around the GOP banner

Since election day nearly a year ago, the left and its media attack dogs have been pushing a meme which began as a DNC talking point: Sarah Palin is a "divisive" political figure. Not so, says Phil Brennan:
It's apparent to me that Sarah Palin understands the pressing need for a unifying factor that will rally the voters around the Republican banner rather than around individual candidates. And I further believe that she recognizes that she herself is that unifying factor.

After all, it not her personal charm or her beauty, or her outspokenness that attracts large numbers of Americans. It is instead that the American people recognize her as unashamedly one of their number.

She's the woman next door, the one you meet at the grocery counter, an outgoing friendly neighbor whose head is screwed on straight and who views the world around her much in the way we ordinary folks do. It’s called common sense, unfortunately uncommon in the public square.

That, however, is not how the almost universally liberal media sees her.

To them she is a threat that must be faced and eliminated.
Brennan says former Governor Palin's role in the 2010 elections will be a sign of things to come.

- JP

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