Start-up publisher OR Books has announced plans to publish Going Rouge: Sarah Palin An American Nightmare, a collection of essays about the maverick Republican with a title — and cover design — remarkably similar to Palin’s upcoming memoir. What’s more, OR’s paperback tome will be released on Nov. 17, the same day that Palin’s own Going Rogue: An American Life hits shelves...Calling the title and cover of the bogus book "remarkably similar" is an understatement:

The idea is to trick unsuspecting book buyers who think they are purchasing Sarah's book into buying the ersatz version instead. And what will the too-casual shopper be getting for his or her money?
Going Rouge is compiled by Richard Kim and Betsy Reed, two top editors of the left-leaning weekly "The Nation," and includes essays by "Nation" regulars like Katrina vanden Heuvel, Naomi Klein, and Katha Pollitt. It’s the first release from OR Books, a fledgling outfit founded earlier this year by publishing veterans John Oakes and Colin Robinson that "embraces progressive change in politics, culture and the way we do business," according to its website.In this case "progressive change" means deceiving shoppers into spending their money on a collection of articles which are attack pieces on Sarah Palin, her family and her supporters. It's one big loony leftist lie and the lowest sort of smear job, as we have come to expect from the hateful hinterlands of the far left. This should come as no surprise, because liberals are always trying to deceive the public into adopting their failed politics. Why should their books be any different?
The bogus book will be a paperback, one way to tell the difference -- at least until the paperback version of Sarah Palin's real book is released. The best way, of course, to be sure you are getting the real deal is to read the cover carefully. As with all things from the land of liberals, caveat emptor -- let the buyer beware.
Update: At Gateway Pundit, Jim Hoft calls it "A new low for the rabid left...", while at Hot Air, Allahpundit's exit question is, "Will the 'evil twin' become a bestseller too as lefties snap up copies to try to counter her hype?" Hello? Bueller? Bueller? Geez, Allah. Sometimes we worry about you, dude...
- JP
Can she sue these people?
ReplyDeleteThis is evil.
Ridiculousness, as usual, but not unexpected from the crazies. In this situation, it is unfortunate that biographies and memoirs are categorized by subject rather than by author in bookstores and libraries.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the heads up!
I think the publisher can sue for the similar design of the book cover down to the same typeface, etc.
ReplyDeleteEven if the publisher loses, the media attention will help to educate consumers about the bogus book ...
what a bunch of dirtbags. They are so obsessed with destroying her they just can't help themselves. She will prevail.
ReplyDeleteI say buy the faux rouge and return it the next day and complain that the bookstore was being deceptive. Alinsky the stores that display the bogus tome better than the Awesome Moosekiller Tour de Force.
ReplyDeleteThis is as low as you can go. They used to ride people out of town on a rail for things like this. I hope it back fires on them.
ReplyDeleteIt won't sell but a few thousand copies to Palin haters.
ReplyDeleteThomas, unfortunately that will only add to the phony book's sales numbers. The sale will be counted, but not the return. Why do anything to help those leftist hookworms?
ReplyDelete- JP
This is tame compared to what I am very sure we will see coming down the pike from the communist party.
ReplyDeleteAs Uncle Joe Biden says, we'd better gird our loins! The left is very, very afraid of the Thrilla from Wasilla. She is going to take our Dear Leader apart, piece by piece, and they know it!!
BTW, when people start the noise about Sarah's book around you, don't forget to remind them who wrote Barack Obama's book, "Dreams From My Father," William Ayers.
Now THAT'S a conversation starter!
And now, Frank bailey is joining the book parade - Renegade: Sarah Palin's Hatchet Man. Detecting a bit of wishful thinking there...
ReplyDeleteJosh, I'm sure HarpersCollins has a large legal department to look after this sort of thing. This is such a blatant infringement of copywrite I'm sure they will be able to get a court restraining order immediately. For this reason, I think its more of a publicity stunt at this stage to give some visibility to OR Books.
ReplyDeleteOn a more positive note, you might want to let your readers know about another advantage of buying Sarah's book. As you know, a price war has broken out with all of the big online retailers selling the top 10 pre-release books for November at $9.00 each. It started with and It was joined late last week by
This week jumped in and joined the other e-retailers BUT HAVE GONE ONE STEP FURTHER. If you buy Sarah's book from them for $9, they will give you a $9 sales credit against any other merchandise purchase from them which exceeds $45 (in effect a 20% discount). And they have gone even further, and if you register with them and send the email confirmation of your purchase of Sarah's book from Amazon, Walmart or Target, they will still give you the $9 sales credit against future purchases exceeding $45.
In effect, you can get Sarah's book for free! Isn't capitalism and free competion great! Sarah was brilliant in advancing the release of her book to November and getting caught up in this price war.
Go to and their home page and then follow the displays to get all the details.
I find it telling that this book has a blatantly misogynistic title yet is largely the work of liberal women! Perfect! By the unqualified pejorative use of the term "rouge" in regard to another woman (Palin), they are all stating that the application of rouge by any woman automatically signifies a "nightmare" scenario.
ReplyDeleteThese liberal females are saying that American women who are attractive and use cosmetics are de facto inferior and are to be mocked. That includes a lot of women, and that's the only conclusion we can draw from the fact that so many leftist women have attached their names to a book title of this sort. Thank Heaven the goddesses of uber-liberal Hollywood are all as unpainted as recently raised Amish barns! I'm certain that the likes of Cybill Shepherd and Joy Behar will cackle with joy at this book's clever title, seeing as they never wear rouge.
Good grief. The hypocrisy of liberal women when it comes to supposedly "liberating" women knows no limit, nor shame, apparently. Deliberately associating perceived feminine attractiveness with some sort of "nightmare" is moronic, even for these bats. Liberalism really is a mental disease. It has to be. And, since the authors have themselves so foolishly put the concept of "female physical appearance = effectiveness" on the table, as it were, have a gander at Katha Pollitt, one of the book's contributors:
Now, tell me again. Exactly why do these liberal wommen fear Sarah Palin?
Josh, I apologise for being a fine upstanding American who loves his country and admires, respects and thanks Sarah for being a blessing in my family's life. This Alinsky stuff jes dont come natural like, you know what I mean?
ReplyDeleteOk, how about rubber dog poo on the display? :-)
Hey, that would work!
- JP
These people are MENTAL!!!! They have gone way past DERANGED!!! Doing something like this isn't normal behavior. Liberalism is a mental disorder for sure.
ReplyDelete"Moonbat manure insane" is our cleaned-up veersion of the description for them. Sarah has the same effect on these moonbats that "Indian Love Call" had on the little green dudes from "Mars Attacks!"
ReplyDelete- JP