Saturday, October 17, 2009

Ziegler confronts Keene over Palin remarks; told to leave Western CPAC

John Ziegler asked American Conservative Union chairman David Keene about his remarks dissing Sarah Palin and his support for liberal Arlen Specter over conservative Pat Toomey in 2004. For his trouble, Ziegler got kicked out of Western CPAC by an angry and foul-mouthed Keene:

h/t: Gateway Pundit 

Update: Ziegler elaborates on what happened between Keene and himself at WCPAC and provides additional video.

- JP


  1. Not ready for the big leagues? Does he mean she’s not ‘trained’ yet on how to be wishy-washy, unclear, moderate, centrist, dull, compromising, appeasing, timid, two-faced....
    Whew! There’s a lot of words to describe RINOs.
    Sarah’s description: Brave, Real, Worker, Fighter, Leader, Exciting, Charismatic, Honorable...
    Nope! None of those words fit in with RINO. If she’d only learn. (sarc)
    It doesn’t bother me at all when socialists/liberals/progressives dis Sarah. They should hate her and fear her; she is their biggest threat. But it irks me when other republicans haphazardly criticize her. Just espouse who they prefer. In 2012, I want to hear: President-Elect Sarah Palin.
    But if I can’t, I would support any decent small government republican over the socialist. And I think Sarah would too.

  2. Once upon a time, the GOP establishment tried to put the screws to Ronald Reagn's presidential ambitions. It backfired miserably. This whole spew about whether Palin is ready or not is meaningless. I doubt these people who have such angst for Palin have ever asked whether or not she was ready to be a mayor and governor. I truly smell the stench of chauvinism in the air. Obama nor McCain were ever pressed about whether they were ready of course. I hate to play the gender card, but it is what it is.

  3. This little PR fiasco seems a huge win for Mr. Zeigler and a real eye opener about Mr. Keene.

    This is consistent with the DC conservatism evinced by Ms. Peggy Noonan who says one thing when the cameras are rolling then says something altogether contradictory on an open mike.

    If this is who "DC Conservatives" are then we've got a lot more than a "branding" problem.
