Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Unconfirmed: Oprah will finally get that Sarah Palin interview

Sarah Palin made Oprah Winfrey wait for it, but pending confirmation, it appears that she's finally going to be on Oprah's teevee talk show. Recall that Winfrey is the Obama supporter who felt it was best that Sarah Palin not appear on her show during the 2008 presidential campaign, because:
"I made the decision not to use my show as a platform for any of the candidates."
But Oprah certainly didn't mind giving that platform to Barack Obama, who appeared on her show twice.  Once the election was over and her candidate of choice was safely elected, Oprah complained that she tried to get Palin for an interview, but that the former VP candidate wouldn’t talk to her and chose to speak to other outlets instead.

Sarah held out on Oprah until it would be in her interest to agree to go on the show, and now that the 2008 GOP VP candidate has a book to promote, it's in her interests. As Thomas Conner of the Chicago Sun-Times points out:
Of course, there's really one reason Palin chose Oprah: She's got a book to sell. And Oprah can move tanker-loads of books.
At the Tribune, Chicago's other newspaper, Maureen Ryan reported today:
Oprah Winfrey will interview former Alaska governor Sarah Palin on her talk show on Nov. 16. Winfrey will get the first interview that the former vice presidential candidate is giving to promote her new book, Going Rogue.
The full Trib story and the press release from Oprah's show is here.  

- JP


  1. I wish that she would not give Oprah the ratings, but I also wish Gov. Palin the best of luck with that one.

  2. I have mixed feelings on this. The question comes down to who needs who? Oprah's ratings have been on a downward spiral for awhile. On the other hand, every time Sarah Palin is on television, she draws monster ratings. Sarah's book is already number one, so from a books sale perspective, what does Oprah has that Sarah needs? Sarah didn't do great among liberal woman woman during the election. Even the PUMA gals did really add up to much. If Sarah knows she has to work on attracting non conservative women, then appearing on Oprah's show may be a necessary evil for Sarah to do. The ratings of Oprah's show with Palin will definitely test the star power of a post election Sarah.

  3. There may have been a contractual obligation to appear on "Oprah" (if such an appearance could be arranged) related to Sarah's advance. That wouldn't be unheard-of, given the rumored (and much deserved) payday. In my opinion, however, Sarah will sell tanker-loads of books without a Winfrey appearance, and we all know that Winfrey will never personally recommend the book during the course of the interview/show, beyond saying: "This is Sarah Palin's new book." However, in terms of going straight into enemy territory, putting herself in the most high-profile position imaginable, and letting the widest media-spectrum of American women see her/hear her...this is an obviously smart move. It'll be an interesting test of her political charm, as well. Winfrey will keep things diplomatic, but will certainly try to shame Sarah for any number of Sarah's perceived slights toward Holy Barack and/or the styrofoam Greek columns that support the roof of His Blessed Temple. However, being a leader of character and conviction, Sarah will soar with her usual flying colors. Unlike a lot of people, I don't buy into the myth that Winfrey is some sort of enlightened intellect or arbiter of All Things Worthwhile. I don't enjoy the idea of Sarah rubbing elbows with Winfrey, but if she's going to make a serious run in 2012, she'll have to be making at least a few appearances of this caliber in terms of viewership and wide demographic. Reagan would've done it, and done it well. This amounts to excellent groundwork for Palin in '12. A necessary evil. Simple as that.

  4. It's a major opportunity for Sarah. She has to show moderate and liberal women that she is not the right-wing zealot the media paints her as, and she did not govern like a theocrat, as the lefty hate blogs claim she did.

    This is as good a place to start as any, deep in hostile, enemy territory.

    - JP

  5. Sarah will do fine. If She can't handle Orca, then she doesn't deserve to be POTUS.

    My chief concern about this is it's kind of a slap in the face to all those who have treated her decently. I think she should have picked Greta, Beck, or Hanity for the first TV interview, and radio interviews with Levin, Rush and Laura Ingraham.

  6. OK, I hope you guys are right.

  7. "It's a major opportunity for Sarah."


    It's also a major slap in the face to Greta, Beck, Hannity, BOR, and the talk radio people who have supported her through thick and thin. I hope they'll forgive her.

    I understand Oprah is a great venue to promote the book and agree Sarah should grant her an interview- just not the FIRST interview. Especially after she snubbed Sarah during the campaign.

  8. My guess is that Oprah is smart enough to recommend Rogue (and let the media give Oprah credit for the high sales).

    I expect a nice conversation about a range of things including books. Sarah may work in the importance of C.S. Lewis and the Runner's World writer.

    Oprah needs to look good to Sarah's fans. Oprah has a lot to gain or lose. And, she wants Sarah to come back.

  9. I don't think those talk show hosts will consider it a slap in the face. They all have written books, and they know the book tour drill.

    Book tours are arranged by the publisher - it's part of the contract the author signs. Such tours are designed to give the book massive exposure, i.e. to reach to widest possible audience to maximize book sales.

    For selling books, Oprah's show is considered a "must" in the publishing biz.

    - JP

  10. Rest assured that Sarah will be visiting Glen, Greta, Bill O', Sean, and many many others, in addition to Oprah. No slaps in the face, here.
