Monday, October 5, 2009

How now, Rachel Maddow?

Sunday on what Mark Levin lampoons as "Meet the Depressed" MSNBC moonbat Rachel Maddow accused Robert Stacy McCain of being a white supremacist. Pat in Shreveport wonders if Rachel has been catching too many little green footballs:
The panel was discussing the Sarah Palin book, Going Rogue, when Maddow offers her criticism of Lynn Vincent, Palin's ghostwriter. Maddow explains that Lynn Vincent "co-authored a book with a guy who is widely believed to be , and I believe him to be, a white supremacist. So she's [Palin] chosen Lynn Vincent who has written a book with a white supremacist to write her book." Robert Stacy McCain and Lynn Vincent co-authored Donkey Cons: Sex, Crime, and Corruption in the Democratic Party in 2006.
Melissa Clouthier, Little Miss Atilla and a long list of people who know RSM have rallied to his defense. Stacy may be a pit bull wearing Chapstik, but he's not any kind of racist. It's obvious what Maddow was trying to do, as Miss Atilla pointed out:
"Any chance that this old allegation about McCain is simply being trotted out to slander Palin—the racist who married a native American?"
At Saber Point we find agreement that Maddow has lowered herself by resorting to the old liberal slander schtick of guilt by association, but McCain isn't guilty of anything to associate with, unless you count pimping for his tip jar, but that's just a weak attempt on our part to bring a little levity to this latest incidence of lefty nastiness.

Saber Point also demonstrates how easy it is to smear anyone, even though they may be innocent of the allegation specified:
Let's apply Rachel's despicable reporting standards to Rachel. "Rachel Maddow is widely believed to be, and I believe her to be, a crack whore." Therefore, Sarah Palin's book was criticized on the air by a crack whore. Are you going to believe a crack whore? Especially one who looks like your younger brother? Of course not.
Dude! That is so Alinsky...

- JP


  1. found this regarding RSMcCain over at FR:

    The lies begin around the 7:05 mark at the link.
    This is not just guilt by association, it's guilt by association 3 times removed. It isn't Lynn Vincent who said " Americans are revolted by the idea of having a black sister in-law." it was Robert Stacy McCain and they were totally taken out of context. He said

    [T]he media now force interracial images into the public mind and a number of perfectly rational people react to these images with an altogether natural revulsion. The white person who does not mind transacting business with a black bank clerk may yet be averse to accepting the clerk as his sister-in-law, and THIS IS NOT RACISM, no matter what Madison Avenue, Hollywood and Washington tell us.

    As far as I can tell he was commenting that there still are people who are revolted by interracial marriages, which I'm sure is true, but that doesn't mean all Americans or he himself feels that way. He may think those people are not racist, which I do, but that does not make him a racist for having that opinion. Nor does in make him a white supremacist. Then there's his association with the "League Of The South". He was never a member as he's been accused of by the Southern Poverty Law Center as far as I can find. He's on record saying he was assigned to do an article about them by the editor of the newspaper he worked for at the time which ended up in a series of debates later on. League of the South statment on racism.

    But to go from League of the South -> Robert Stacy McCain -> Lynn Vincent -> Sarah Palin is a new low for NBC. Gregory and Brooks just sat there silent. Maddow should be fired if not all of them who sat by idolly.

  2. "Dude! That is so Alinsky..."

    Yes, I read his book! :)
