Friday, April 1, 2011

Jedediah Bila: Here's What YOU Need To Be Our Next GOP President

Sound familiar?
Jedediah Bila has a list of ten traits the ideal GOP candidate who can defeat Obama in 2012 must possess. Excerpt:
(10) Someone with rock-solid executive experience. If you have successfully balanced budgets and conducted common-sense cost-benefit analysis, you’re already two up on our President. If you have acquired your understanding of the free market and the effects of tax policy and overregulation via the ups and downs of your very own business, you’ve far surpassed our President’s ivory tower knowledge base.

(9) Someone with a strong and consistent conservative record. If you have significantly reduced spending in your city/state, invested in city/state savings, advocated for the protection of the 10th amendment, lowered taxes, generated a city/state surplus via fiscally responsible policy, and incentivized job creation, you are the perfect contrast to President Obama’s big-government, tax-and-spend, job-killing, bankrupt-our-country agenda.

(8) Someone who has persistently highlighted the President’s poor policy decisions. If you have been an outspoken voice against ObamaCare, the President’s disastrous energy policy, his class-warfare mentality, his lack of strong foreign policy leadership, and his complete aversion to fiscal discipline, you have a proven commitment to standing up to the Obama agenda. And that’s precisely what the GOP needs in 2012.

(7) Someone who is gutsy. When it comes to 2012, wimps need not apply. The GOP candidate who can defeat Barack Obama is one willing to respectfully, but boldly, counter his platitude-heavy, fictional discourse with, “Actually, Mr. President, that’s not what you did.” Political figures with a history of bravely taking on the Left and the GOP in the name of upholding conservative principles are sure to draw a prominent line between our President’s contrasting record and rhetoric, which is an absolute must.

(6) Someone who connects with the American people, and who is also connected to his or her own words...

Read the rest of the criteria at Human Events, and see if this describes a certain prominent Reagan conservative who could make history in 2012?

- JP

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