Thursday, April 28, 2011

Yes, Andrew, Trig was born at Mat-Su Regional Hospital

Is anything preventing Sullivan from making that call?
We've expressed some rather pointed criticism of David Weigel in the past, but today we have to give him due credit. Weigel is proving what a fraud Andrew Sullivan is:
I called up Mat-Su Regional Hospital, where, according to contemporary media reports, Trig Palin was born. I was patched through to the family birthing center.


Why'd I call the hospital? One of the original concerns Sullivan had with the Trig Palin story -- one that's based on an absent fact, and not on innuendo -- was that Mat-Su Regional did not list Trig Palin's birth on its website. There's a portion of the web site, the baby nursery, where newborns are listed. Trig, born on April 18, 2008, is not there. And that's somewhat curious. So: Is every baby born at the hospital listed on the web site?

"No, it's not automatic," said the clerk. "Truth be told, we do take security photos of all the babies, but if the parents want their babies listed on the web site, they can request it. We're really sensitive about it, though. I think the hospital took up the policy not to publish names automatically because of possible baby kidnapping issues."

The clerk, realizing that Washington, D.C. reporters don't typically cold call her hospital, asked me if this call was about "our former governor." It was. Was Trig Palin born there?

"Oh, that's not even a question," she said... "Yes. Everybody here remembers that. Yes, this is where the Palins come -- this is their family hospital."


Is anything preventing Andrew, or one of the Daily Dish's assistants, from making that call? ... The current tone of his Trig-blogging is horribly meta -- "just asking questions," without asking questions of the people who can answer all of this stuff.

- JP

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