The Webcast of an exclusive Newsmax interview with Gov. Palin starts at 12 Noon Central Time Tuesday, when the 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate...
...discusses her staunch opposition to President Obama's healthcare plans and socialistic policies, and reveals new details about a possible presidential run in 2012. She also warns that allowing Iran to acquire nuclear weapons could "lead to Armageddon" that could lead to the deaths of millions in a third world war.
Palin's comments came as Newsmax launched a special series of online webcasts entitled "Make America Great Again" — a title taken from Ronald Reagan’s campaign slogan when he was elected president in 1980.
Hosting the Newsmax series, which will continue to Election Day, is Newsmax contributor Michael Reagan, the eldest son of the late president. The kick-off event for the series is Reagan's half-hour, sit-down interview with Gov. Palin.
One of the highlights of the extended Reagan-Palin interview being aired Tuesday, says Newsmax, is that Gov. Palin, in greater detail than ever before, talks about what factors might persuade her to run for the 2012 GOP presidential nomination, and even describes what a Palin presidency might look like.
You must register to view the webcast of Gov. Palin in its entirety.
- JP
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