Saturday, October 23, 2010

Would John Raese support Gov. Palin for President? 'Absolutely'

West Virginia GOP candidate John Raese, who is in a tight contest with Democrat Gov. Joe Manchin for one of West Virginia's two U.s. Senate seats, has embraced the endorsement he received from Sarah Palin this week:
"I am just honored that Sarah Palin would endorse me," he told CNN Friday. "I know my wife and 1,000 conservative women across West Virginia support her very much. I am just pleased to get that endorsement."


His answer, when asked if he'd support a Palin candidacy: "Absolutely. Absolutely. I think we have many fine candidates, but if she is our nominee, absolutely."

Raese, a Morgantown businessman, was appearing at the State Capitol in Charleston, where he spoke to a group of Tea Party activists and told them that "a great, great turnout" will be the key to victory on Nov. 2.

Later, Raese was slated to attend the West Virginia Republican Party's "Victory Gala" headlined by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.

Talking to CNN, Raese did not back away from his staunch opposition to the federal minimum wage, arguing that the government regulation of wages or prices impedes private sector growth. He made the case that a better business climate, without the "restrictor plate" of big government interference, would boost incomes across the board.

He was unswayed by the argument that companies might set wages too low without government regulation. An unabashed disciple of the free market, Raese argued that wages should be determined by "laws of supply and demand."

"And we've gotten away from basic Economics 101, haven't we?," he said. "We've really lost the sense of freedom, free enterprise and capitalism, and we know we don't want government restraints on what we do in this country."
A poll conducted Tuesday by Rasmussen Research indicates that Raese has now opened up a seven-point lead over Joe Manchin, in what Scott Rasmussen describes as "perhaps the most improbably close U.S. Senate contest in the country."

- JP

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