On Facebook Monday, Sarah Palin endorsed nine more candidates running in the 2010 midterm election:
More Great Candidates to Support This Year- JP
I’ve just finished up another great week of travel across our country. From Florida to California, the feeling is unmistakable. A commonsense grassroots movement is determined to get our country back to its founding principles and constitutional roots. I hope you’ll join me in supporting a few more patriots this November – because we need their voice and their votes in DC.
John Raese for U.S. Senate in West Virginia
The last thing Washington, DC needs is another rubber-stamp vote for President Obama and the liberal agenda. John Raese has the courage and independence to stand up to the Washington politics of Reid and Pelosi. He’ll do what’s right for West Virginia. Please visit John’s web at www.raeseforsenate.org and follow him on Facebook and Twitter.
Dan Benishek for Congress in Michigan
There’s a lot of talk about the race in Michigan’s 1st Congressional District. Dr. Dan Benishek is the kind of commonsense voice we need in Washington to replace the retiring Bart Stupak. As a physician, he understands why Obamacare must be repealed and replaced with true health care reform. Dan is determined to work to get our country’s fiscal house in order. As a self-described “hunter and fisherman and proud member of the NRA,” he’s great for Michigan 1st District, which like Alaska, is home to outdoor enthusiasts who love their hunting and fishing. Please visit Dan’s website at www.benishekforcongress.com and follow him on Facebook and Twitter.
Keith Fimian for Congress in Virginia
Keith Fimian will be an important check on Congress for residents of the Commonwealth. The differences in this campaign are clear: his opponent supports job-killing cap-and-tax, wasteful stimulus spending, and the massive federal overreach on our health care system. Keith Fimian is not a career politician and has actually created private-sector jobs. Please visit Keith’s website at www.keithfimian.com and follow him on Facebook and Twitter.
Ruth McClung & Janet Contreras for Congress in Arizona
Ruth McClung is the smart choice for Congress in southwestern Arizona. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that our country is on the wrong track under the leadership of Obama, Pelosi, and Reid; but Ruth actually is a rocket scientist! Ruth’s commonsense fiscal approach to job creation and reining in reckless government spending is in sharp contrast to her opponent’s liberal record. In fact, Ruth is running against a four term incumbent who is so out of touch that he actually called for a boycott of his own constituents. It’s simple: The people of Arizona’s 7th Congressional District deserve better. Please visit Ruth’s website at www.ruth4az.com and follow her on Facebook and Twitter.
Janet Contreras is not a politician; she’s a working mother, grandmother, and a former small business owner. She’s like many of the patriots I meet all across this country – frustrated, disappointed, and doing something about it. Many of you will remember Janet from the letter she wrote expressing concern for the direction the country was moving in. Glenn Beck read the letter on his show and later interviewed her. Janet will be a smart, straight-forward, honest, and independent voice for Arizona’s 4th Congressional District. Please visit Janet’s website at www.vote4janet.com and follow her on Facebook and Twitter.
Ray McKinney for Congress in Georgia
We can count on Ray McKinney to be a strong, independent voice for Georgia’s 12th Congressional District. As Ray says, “If you like the way things are going now, vote for the other guy.” Ray’s opponent has skipped over 75 votes in Congress since 2005, and he’s ducking debates when Georgians want answers. Had enough? Join me in supporting Ray McKinney. Please visit Ray’s website at www.raymckinney.org and follow him on Facebook and Twitter.
Alan Nunnelee & Bill Marcy for Congress in Mississippi
Congress could use more leaders like Alan Nunnelee. Alan is a steady, conservative leader that Mississippi can depend on. His opponent stands with Nancy Pelosi and other national Democrats; Mississippi’s 1st Congressional District deserves a leader who will stand with them. Please visit Alan’s website at www.nunneleeforcongress.com and follow him on Facebook and Twitter.
I had the privilege of meeting Bill Marcy at the Restoring Honor rally in August. Bill is tough - a former cop who walked a beat in Chicago – and he’s the got the values and judgment Congress needs. I’m proud to join so many others in supporting his campaign to represent Mississippi’s 2nd Congressional District. Please visit Bill’s website at www.billmarcyforcongress.net and follow him on Facebook and Twitter.
Morgan Philpot for Congress in Utah
Ten years ago, Morgan Philpot brought his message of “Faith, Family, Future” to the Utah state legislature. Since then, Morgan has been a reliable, conservative leader for Utah. Now he’s running to represent Utah’s 2nd Congressional District. We can count on Morgan to make the right choices that bring our country back. Please visit Morgan’s website at www.philpotforcongress.com and follow him on Facebook and Twitter.
Let’s keep the momentum going as November 2nd approaches.
- Sarah Palin
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