Tuesday, December 7, 2010

In Charleston County SC, Charlie Lybrand supports Sarah Palin

"Run Sarah Run!"
If Sarah Palin runs for president in 2012, she will need the support of local politicians down at the county and precinct levels to help her build her state and county organizations across the country. These are the folks who will recruit the campaign volunteers who work the phones, stuff the envelopes and knock on doors.

In Charleston County, South Carolina, we have no doubt that Charlie Lybrand, who has been active in county government and politics for years, will be organizing for her there. In a guest op-ed on Earl Capps' blog, Lybrand expresses his support for Gov. Palin:
I had no idea how soon, Sarah Palin would become a household name. Her freshness and good looks continue to keep the Sarah Palin haters off balance. She likes to hunt, fish, and go camping and do all the things us guys hope we might find in the perfect woman when we choose a mate. She can talk politics and sports without having to be coached. She’s pro-life, loves her children like they are the only ones in the world. She can fillet a Halibut shoot a Moose and cook’m up for dinner. Did I mention she looks just as good in chest high waders as she does in her Sunday go to meeting clothes.

She’s written two best selling books and she is not afraid to endorse candidates who may or may not win. In fact, my State’s Governor Elect, Niki Haley would most certainly have been just one more also-ran, had Sarah Palin not endorsed her at exactly the right time in the campaign. I saw my guy Henry McMaster go from the top of the pile to 20 points down in one day after the Palin endorsement. Now that’s power.

I knew right then the political strength this woman had. All the media critics except for Fox news love to make fun of her, yet she keeps having to get bigger trucks to take all the money she is making to the bank. Isn’t America great!!! She is not afraid to speak her mind or take on a cause. She recognized early on how important the Tea Party was and embraced the movement as well as becoming its titular head.

The political elitist still like to make fun of her but as the days go by, I get the feeling that they are seeing the 2008 Presidential Campaign played out all over again. Except this time, it’s not Barack Hussein Obama who is in the drivers seat.

Sarah Palin is a red blooded American from the tip of her toes to the top of her head and unabashedly proud of it. That’s one of the main reasons I like her so much.

I remember what it was like when Ronald Reagan was sworn in to Office. Americans knew the long painful haul of the Carter Administration was finally over. Our hostages were coming home and we could finally get our chins off of our chest. If my intuitions are still intact, I think that most America will feel the same way in 2012. Except this time the hostages that are being held are us and our country will be set free.

Are there a lot more Charlie Lybrands out there who would able and willing to organize a Sarah Palin presidential campaign down at the boots-on-the-ground level? You betcha!

- JP

1 comment:

  1. go and post some encouragement for Charlie Lybrands who knows if others are waiting for some to go first
