Friday, August 20, 2010

More Quote of the Day Honorable Mention, Part 97

Special "Woo hoo Wookie woman, she got the moonbat in her eye" Edition...

Jackie Gingrich Cushman at
"Palin's focus is on the will of the people. Her visuals are positive and uplifting... The Emily's List video's unidentified growling women in grizzly suits come off more like mean girls than mama grizzlies. The juxtaposition between Palin smiling and hugging people, and the Emily's List growlers is almost too good to be true -- for Palin."
"Honest to goodness! This Obama Mama Wookies video saying Sarah Palin does not speak for them is a RIOT! I nearly fainted from laughing at them!!!"
The Daley Gator:
"The latest pathetic Liberal attempt to smear Sarah Palin... this awful video, and by awful I mean worse than 'Natural Born Killers'... So, basically, the entire video is dedicated to women, dressed in corny bear costumes telling 'bear-faced' lies about what Sarah Palin stands for."
Jane Jamison at
"The length and breadth and extent to which liberal leftie women will go to attack Sarah Palin…is bordering on psychotic."
Nice Deb:
"These are the weakest and ugliest mama grizzlies I’ve ever seen. These feministas fail miserably at the most important trait of the mama grizzly bear, the trait that pretty much defines a mama grizzly’s character. She fights to protect her young. She doesn’t advocate killing them... These mama grizzlies are just as fake as they look. A better analogy would be worker bees – infertile collectivists who believe that the rights of the individual should be forfeited for the good of group."
Samuel Gonzalez at The Last Tradition:
"Never underestimate a Liberal's capacity for stupidity."
Kempite at White House 2012:
"Instead of using their resources to support their fellow liberal feminists, the group invested their time and money into even creating a website for their new anti-Palin campaign... On the site you will find one of the most asinine and embarrassingly vindictive videos imaginable. It is complete with tired old liberal cliché, after cliché, and in my opinion sets the feminist movement back twenty years..."
Doug Brady at Conservatives 4 Palin:
"There is nothing quite like angry liberals dressing up in really bad Halloween costumes and saying stupid, incoherent things."
Rufus at
"I honestly feel sorry for the women in this ad... There is no logic to their statements at all. They are free to protect their children. They are free to buy medicine for their children and they are free to hire physicians to care for their children’s health. They are free to purchase health insurance. They are also free to hibernate with any number of consenting bears they may find. And there isn’t a single statement Sarah Palin has made in objection to any of these things."
Moe Lane:
"Seriously, though: what the heck is it with Left-feminists, anyway? Every time they speak out these days it’s apparently their goal to cater to yet another sexual fetish."
Cassy Fiano at NewsReal Blog:
"EMILY’s List decided to make a video trying to hijack the term mama grizzlies from Sarah Palin. This plan radically backfired, and they’ve been the laughingstock of the blogosphere ever since... Sarah Palin doesn’t speak for these women. Sarah Palin is a pro-life conservative Republican. These women are pro-abortion lefty femisogynists. The major difference? Sarah Palin wouldn’t likely tell these women that they can’t call themselves feminists or that they aren’t true women."
"Palin Derangement Syndrome is alive and well..."
Merv Benson at Prairie Pundit:
"Even Palin's offbeat male endorsements are shrewdly picked to work on her behalf if she chooses to run in 2012. Liberal women have always seen her as a threat. That is because they are liberals first and feminist second. The Emily's List crowd just recognizes that the "Mama Grizzlies" campaign is a existential threat to the election of liberals."
Jessica Grose at Slate's XX factor blog:
"I think liberals must cede this round in the debate to the sassy Ms. Palin. The Emily's List video wasn't gathering liberals around an electrifying idea—it was attempting to co-opt Palin's very effective rallying cry."
Jedediah Bila at Human Events:
"I’ve said it before about Sarah Palin and I’ll say it again: that earmark-slashing, fiscally responsible, 10th Amendment-upholding, veteran-loving, pro-Constitution, cost-cutting, transparency-advocating, fetus-friendly, oil and gas aficionado is a menace! As entertaining as the EMILY’s List video is—and I truly do thank you, ladies, as I’ve been waiting with bated breath for something to induce a fit of laughter besides Keith Olbermann speaking—there’s much more fun to come... The EMILY’s List ladies are certainly entitled to their opinions. This is America, after all. But misrepresenting policy in order to market propaganda shouldn’t be the trademark of any organization, be it on the left or the right. Now I’d love to stick around, but I’m about to get suited up in a donkey costume for my “Party of No” video on the DNC. Hee-haw!"
- JP


  1. Josh,

    That Mama Wookie vid is a total scream. And it highlights the lack of legitimate Lib talking points in the face of their looming mid-term defeat. Bashing conservatives to divert attention from almost two years of failed Lib policies under the Lib triangle of Obama/Reid/Pelosi only makes them look pitiful and lost.

    Thanks for the trackback, dear. I'll return the favor.

    A Texan, born and raised

  2. Hey, VF!

    Please shoot me an email using the Kontactr button in the sidebar.


    - Jp

  3. Sure thing, Josh.
