Sunday, August 29, 2010

Photo: A touching moment at the Lincoln Memorial

Amazing Grace Sarah

Sarah Palin finds something in her eye as "Amazing Grace" is sung at the Restoring Honor rally Saturday.

h/t: Free Republic

- JP


  1. It's great to see a politician moved by the words of Amazing Grace. So many in recent years have claimed to be Christians to get the votes, but know nothing about that Amazing Grace. There's a huge difference.

  2. I was at the rally and noticed that moment on the screen, although Sarah was facing the crowd at that moment. I thought she might be struggling to not go.....'beck'.

    My own eyes were watering at that moment too.

    She will be a tremendous President.

  3. "My stoicism in difficult times had always bugged and puzzled my friends and family. Bristol once asked, 'Mom, why don't you ever cry?...'

    Though I didn't tell Bristol this, I choke up all the time—at 'The Star-Spangled Banner,' at any military event, seeing newborn babies—but secretly, where no one can see."

    Going Rogue
    p. 177
