The Associated Press hasn't rested in it's two year old campaign to marginalize Sarah Palin and everything she says and does. AP is the corrupt wire service which assigned no less than eleven "fact-checkers" to parse Gov. Palin's Going Rogue memoir, while it gave Barack Obama's two books free rides. The latest AP hit piece on the governor came late last week and begins:
It's been a summer of setbacks for Sarah Palin. Candidate "cubs" endorsed by the Mama Grizzly in Chief have been suffering a recent string of primary election losses.It's not until the 25th paragraph of AP's full story that Gov. Palin's successful endorsements are mentioned, but by buying any pretense at fairness so deep in its article, the wire service virtually assures that most readers will never see it. The reason is that most news outlets truncate AP's full stories, editing to save space or broadcast air time. The Chicago Sun Times, for example, shortened the AP piece to just five paragraphs and published it under the headline "Palin support the kiss of death?"
The Republicans' 2008 vice presidential nominee promised a pack of "mama grizzly" candidates would rise up and defeat Democrats in this November's elections. But office-seekers she supported in Kansas, Wyoming and Washington state lost their primaries despite her high-profile endorsements. And Karen Handel lost her runoff contest for Georgia governor a day after sharing an Atlanta stage with Palin.
Now, Alaska's Senate primary on Tuesday is shaping up as an embarrassing defeat in her own backyard. Sen. Lisa Murkowski is expected to dispatch the challenger Palin has endorsed in the Republican contest.
There was no analysis or even a mention in the AP story of the endorsements made by any of Sarah Palin's potential rivals for the 2012 GOP presidential nomination, such as former Speaker Newt Gingrich or former Governor Mike Huckabee. Nor was there a single word written in the hit piece about the relative failure of candidates endorsed by President Obama to win Democrat primaries this year. If any endorsement is the "kiss of death," it has to be a nod from Obama, as recent polling confirms.
As our colleagues at Conservatives 4 Palin have pointed out here, here and here, a number of those candidates who were endorsed by the governor and lost, still performed much better in their respective races than they would have if no nod from Sarah Palin had been given to them. C4P also notes that, despite AP's prediction that Tuesday's U.S. Senate primary in Alaska "is shaping up as an embarrassing defeat" for Gov. Palin, Joe Miller is quickly closing the gap on the incumbent. Even if Miller fails to pull off an upset victory, he may well make a close race of it yet.
By our calculation, 56.5 percent of the 2010 candidates endorsed by the first woman to be the vice presidential candidate of the GOP have won in their primaries or runoffs, for a record of 13-10. But only those of us in the punditocracy care about win-loss records, certainly not Gov. Palin who intentionally endorses many underdogs just to make sure the Republican primaries serve as venues where the issues can be debated from all points to the right of political center.
Sarah Palin is a winner. With each of AP's attempts to grind her down, its already shameless lack of credibility sinks even lower. Like the rest of the biased lamestream media, the Associated Press is digging its own grave ever deeper. Sarah Palin, meanwhile, is still standing and still fighting. And when the corrupt press finally meets its demise, she will still be winning.
- JP
Excellent take down and analysis JP, thanks.
ReplyDeleteA pox on the AP and their remotest collaterals.
ReplyDeleteWell done, indeed, JP.