Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ed Morrissey: The power of Palin and the energy of the Tea Party

Despite attempts by the left and some in the media to marginalize Sarah Palin and the Tea Party, Ed Morrissey comments that a Miller victory will be a testament to the power of the former governor in Alaska and the energy of the Tea Party grassroots:
If the Republican primary for US Senate in Alaska became an extension of the battle between the Murkowskis and Sarah Palin, it looks as though the underdog may have won again. Palin-endorsed challenger Joe Miller was not given much of a chance of victory against incumbent Lisa Murkowski before yesterday’s vote, but... Miller leads with [only absentee ballots uncounted]. Murkowski can still pull out a win, but the mathematics are getting increasingly difficult


Palin’s endorsement of Miller was seen as a long shot, as well as another volley in a years-long political feud between Palin and the Murkowskis. Few people gave the endorsement much chance of changing the status quo, especially since Murkowski didn’t have a record that produced anywhere near as much ire among conservatives as Palin’s former running mate John McCain — who won his primary by 30 points.

If Miller wins this race, it’s a testament to the power of Palin in Alaska and the energy of the Tea Party. It may also be a warning to pollsters to start making some adjustments to likely-voter models in the days ahead.


Not even Chuck Norris could rescue Alexandra Gutierrez from her embarrassing defeat this morning. It appears that Alaskans actually do care about fiscal responsibility at the federal level, regardless of Gutierrez’ charming display of patronization.
Read Morrissey's full commentary at Hot Air.

- JP

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