Special "Miracle on Ice IV" Edition.
Erick Erickson at RedState.com:
"On CNN I suggested that Palin’s endorsements only matter in some cases like Nikki Haley’s, but overall were no more impactful than other endorsements. Glad to say I was wrong. She’s five for five [Tuesday] night it seems... And there are a number of state legislative races in Alaska where her support was critical. Well done, Governor! Now let’s get Joe to Washington."Mark Byron:
"They went RINO-hunting in Alaska and they bagged Sen. Lisa Murkowski..."Peter Andrew at ConservativeAmerican.org:
"Presumed 2012 Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin, we were told in July of 2009, is finished. Her political career is over, they said. She had no future the pundits said on liberal TV for weeks on end. As we said then, they were wrong. Palin proved in elections [Tuesday] she is a political force to be reckoned with. If Joe Miller wins in Alaska, then all of her endorsed candidates were winners [this week]. The libs don’t like it. Some in the GOP, especially RINO’s, don’t like it either. Too bad for them."Neo-Neocon:
"Sarah Palin can really pick em."Dan Riehl at Riehl World View:
"In a surprising, and for some, hilarious bit of irony concerning the Alaska GOP primary, it seems as though if Senator Lisa Murkowski had read and paid attention to Sarah Palin's Going Rogue, she may not have found herself now fighting for her political life... Hey, Murkowski, who you gonna believe, now - Palin's book, or your own eyes? Or, you know, maybe she tried to warn you, but you opted for GOP establishment cronyism over competence? That doesn't sound like the kind of Senator Alaska needs to me."Operation Liberty at Operation Liberty USA:
"Rumors of the Sarah Palin-endorsed candidate's demise have been greatly exaggerated."JEQQ:
"Though liberals and the media are quick to call the Tea Party over with any loss for their candidates, Sarah Palin’s endorsement record is more wins than losses... There’s new blood and new life in the GOP. Take a look at Lt. Col (Ret.) Allen West, the new Republican nominee for Florida House District 22 endorsed by Palin. West is a dynamo, a fearsome warrior who quotes classic Greek with a warm, Southern charm. Put this guy on the watch list for future stars of the GOP."Christina Bellantoni at liberal website Talking Points Memo:
"This may make Palin the breakout kingmaker for the GOP, with all the weight that could carry come 2012..."Holly on the Hill:
"Last week, almost no one knew the name of Senator Lisa Murkowski’s challenger for the GOP nomination in Alaska – and no one really cared. [As of Wednesday] morning they all do – it’s Joe Miller – and it looks like he will be the next Senator from Alaska. Less than a week ago, national pundits were saying that a Murkowski loss was 'extremely unlikely'. Miller – with little notice – announced his candidacy in April. Todd Palin held a fundraiser for him in May and Sarah Palin endorsed him the beginning of June."Marco at Live Journal:
"Future president Sarah Palin had a great night..."Ross Kaminsky at The American Spectator:
"On Tuesday, with all local ballots counted, attorney Joe Miller looked set to pull the season's biggest upset, knocking off incumbent Senator Lisa Murkowski in Alaska's Senate primary. By Thursday morning, the lead was down to 1,668 votes with up to 8,000 absentee ballots still to be received and counted. Even if Murkowski pulls out a victory -- but especially if she doesn't -- the result reinforces the power of Sarah Palin; she endorsed Miller, who spent a mere $200,000 on his campaign, less than one-seventh of the $1.4 million plus spent by Murkowski, who had the fourth-lowest ranking among Republican Senators in the 2009 American Conservative Union ratings."The Orange County Register:
"Palin looks prescient in primaries..."Jerry at Goldfish and Clowns:
"Sarah Palin remains the barracuda to everyone else’s guppy. Her endorsement of Joe Miller in the Alaska GOP Senate race was crucial in his upset win over incumbent Lisa Murkowski despite her heavily outspending, plus enjoying far greater public recognition than, Miller... Palin is seldom given credit for her political savvy. Or much of anything else, even by more than a few of her most ardent supporters who have become so enraptured by her aura they fail to see the person behind them. Palin is not addicted to pleasing those who measure everything by their aforementioned private political litmus tests. She pays little attention to pundits, professional or amateur, on either side of the aisle. Instead, time and again she has demonstrated pragmatism without sacrificing [principle]."Civic Forum PAC:
"Poking the largest proverbial bear, it seems that the Murkowski family decided to participate in good old-fashioned nepotism by passing up the queen of the Mama Grizzlies herself for that very [Senate] seat."Marc Ambinder at left-leaning The Atlantic:
"How much influence did Sarah Palin really have? A significant amount... she endorsed Joe Miller, did radio ads for him, identified with him, brought together all the strands of Tea Party elements that were supporting him. Merely by bringing attention to him, she significantly increased his visibility. So is she a force to be reckoned with? She doesn't win every race she plays in, but absolutely. Her endorsement doesn't always sway voters in every race, but it draws significant attention and extends her brand. And she still has a loyal following in Alaska."- JP
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