Do we love it when the lefties, GOP Lites and lamestreamers start believing they have Sarah Palin beaten, only to have her show them up for the arrogant fools they are? You betcha!
They were claiming that Sarah had lost her mojo, that the power of her endorsements had ebbed and that she had become politically irrelevant, especially in her own home state. But candidates endorsed by the Mama Bear had a perfect primary day Tuesday, racking up five wins and no losses. One of those candidates, Joe Miller, scored a stunning upset victory (pending the counting of absentee ballots) over establishment GOP Senator Lisa Murkowski in Alaska. It was the biggest primary upset in the land of the midnight sun since Sarah Palin beat the living tar out of Murkowski's daddy in 2006. Boom! Taste her nightstick.
The Wall Street Journal's Washington Wire blog:
"Tonight’s GOP Senate primary election in Alaska has the potential to renew questions about former Gov. Sarah Palin’s clout in the Republican Party."Zandar
"Now Palin's star power is in trouble in today's Alaskan Senate primary."Talking Points Memo:
"Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has had plenty of successes this year, but might be about to rack up a big fail tonight as voters in her home state decide whether to oust Sen. Lisa Murkowski. There are few public polls for this race but operatives for both Republicans and Democrats tell TPM they expect Murkowski to prevail tonight by a wide margin."The American Prospect:
"When Joe Miller loses the primary today, hardly anyone in Alaska will be surprised that Palin's chosen candidate did poorly. Palin's influence in the state started to slip when she agreed to be John McCain's running mate in August 2008, and it only eroded further when she resigned as governor last July. Now, Palin is mostly a reality TV nuisance in the very state she's always gushing about. The Washington Post may track her every endorsement, but this summer the Anchorage Daily News published more items on bears and caribou (45) than it did on Palin and her family (39). If Alaskans aren't paying attention to her, why should anybody else?"Slate:
"On Tuesday, in her home state, Sarah Palin's favorite will probably get trounced. Joe Miller is widely expected to lose by a large margin to incumbent Sen. Lisa Murkowski in the Republican primary—an embarrassing defeat for the former governor, who has endorsed Miller, but also to Miller's other major backer, the Tea Party Express... Unfortunately for him, not even Chuck Norris in his most bad-ass role—which is, of course, Chuck Norris in real life—could rescue the Miller campaign. Always a long shot, Miller lags behind Murkowski, the heir to one of Alaska's political dynasties, by double digits. So Tuesday is likely to be a disappointment to Palin and the Tea Party Express, which has spent more than $400,000 since June on radio and television ads attacking Murkowski... 'I don't think the Tea Party movement has much currency in Alaska,' says Ivan Moore, an independent pollster based in Anchorage. Moore's poll in July showed Miller down by 32 points, and other polls have come up with similar numbers. 'From the very beginning, he has positioned himself so far to the right of the ideological spectrum and attached himself to the Tea Party movement, which even in Alaska is perceived as being a pretty extreme right organization,' Moore says. And Palin's endorsement hasn't helped, Moore adds. According to a Dittman Research poll conducted in April, 52 percent of Alaskans hold a negative opinion of Palin. 'When someone with those kinds of numbers endorses someone for public office, believe me, the effect is on the whole negative,' says Moore... And there are the die-hard Palin fans. 'There's always going to be that 20 percent lemming group that are going to throw themselves off a cliff for Sarah Palin up here,' says Stieren. 'But you're not going to win with 20 percent.' Not surprisingly, Steve Wackowski, a campaign spokesman for Murkowski, agrees that backing from Palin and the Tea Party Express is more of a liability for Miller than anything else."
"Hi, Leftists and Conservatives Lite, my name is Josh, and I'll be serving your lunch today here at Sarah's Grizzly Bear Cafe. Your special is crow with a generous side order of hubris. Bon apetit!"
- JP
JP, excellent! I volunteer to show them how to bus their own tables. Oh, and are these wackos so dense as to rely on polls which only ask questions of themselves? Duh! Further, do they really think such false reports can control the electorate? As Inspector Clouseau said so simply, "Not anymore..." when the elderly dame lamented his destruction of the family's heirloom piano.