Special "Miracle on Ice II" Edition.
Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit:
"Sarah Palin tweeted [Tuesday] night – This may be Alaska’s 'Miracle on Ice.'"Scared Monkeys:
"There appears to be an upset brewing in Alaska... Should we be really be shocked? Maybe only... the MSM. [Joe} Miller is a strong Conservative, Tea Party backed Republican candidate who got the endorsement of Sarah Palin, former Governor of Alaska. Miller had a successful message during the campaign and painted Murkowski as too liberal for the times and part of the Washington, DC inside-the-beltway problem... This election race should send chills into the hearts of Democrats, and not just because the polls had it wrong."Donald R. McClarey at The American Catholic:
"This is the most stunning political upset thus far this season."Quin Hillyer at The American Spectator:
"Readers of this site know that I have been complimentary of Sarah Palin's basic political values, but critical of her experience and some of her political moves. Well, I'm warming to her politics. If Joe Miller holds on to his apparent upset over Lisa Murkowski in the Senate race in Alaska, it will not only be one of the biggest upsets in memory but it also will clearly be attributable to Palin's efforts and her power... If Joe Miller wins, as it looks like he will (pending absentee ballots), it will prove to be a huge advance for the conservative cause. And it will be an advance due almost entirely to Sarah Palin. Bravo to Sarah Barracuda!"Kathryn Jean Lopez via Twitter:
"if miller wins, everyone who was counting out palin's influence in the world -- nevermind alaska -- may have to eat crow."Jon Ward at The Daily Caller:
"Miller’s win or strong showing will be interpreted as a demonstration of political strength by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who threw her support to Miller in June, and by the Tea Party Express, one of several national Tea Party groups, which spent $560,000 to help Miller compete with the far more cash-strong Murkowski. Miller himself credited Palin on Tuesday night with helping him come from behind to lead the incumbent daughter of the state’s former senator and then governor, Frank Murkowski."Christian Heinze at GOP 12:
"You get the feeling that if Joe Miller shocks the world and defeats Lisa Murkowski, the latter will be even more bitter than she sounded at a campaign rally [Tuesday]."Taylor Marsh:
"Sarah Palin makes many people crazy, but she understands the mood [of] the country right now... and is fairly fearless about putting herself on the line... Taking on establishment Republicans is not always what Palin does, but it’s obviously what she loves best. The other thing about Sarah Palin and what her Tea Party power and 'mama grizzlies' are doing is riding a national wave of discontent... It’s not about a long-term strategy at all. It’s all about winning in 2010, then taking it from there. It’s the smart play, because the moment is now and won’t last forever. But if Palin and the Tea Party make gains in Congress, who knows what could happen down the line?"Alexander Mooney at CNN's Political Ticker:
"Sarah Palin's endorsement slump has come to a screeching halt, with all... of the... candidates she backed either leading or having won their primary bids Tuesday night."Patrick S. Adams at Unsheathed:
"There are liberals on ledges everywhere... Across America, thousands of writers are either tearing up or deleting pre-written columns forecasting the demise of a Sarah Palin who couldn't even affect the outcome of a primary in her own home state. Palin lost three heartbreakers with Tiahrt in Kansas, Handel in Georgia and Rita Meyer in Wyoming in the past weeks leaving liberals with much to spin. But the sting is gone after four landslides and a squeaker in Alaska. Palin was 5-5 [Tuesday] night... Miller's win would indeed be the sweetest of all wins for Palin, who can now stare down the haters and the morons in Alaska and say 'resistance is futile.' Sarah Palin owns Alaska. With Sean Parnell a lock for re-election and the removal of RINO Lisa Murkowski, Sarah Palin has proven that what she said during her resignation speech was right. She has proven that she is better able to effect change without the title than she would have with it."Jeff Graham at Mayor Graham's View:
"Not only is it a grudge match as Palin and Murkowski despise each other...But it shows Palin still has influence back home."Christopher Chantrill at Road to the Middle Class:
"Sarah Palin is a political force. All the people that wrote her off as a lightweight and as a bumbling fool are wrong. Sarah Palin is a remarkable political talent... She seems to have a political... instinct for the right word, the right gesture, that President Obama would probably love to borrow, if only he could. Sarah Palin is making herself into a political kingmaker... Are you chaps ready to take her seriously yet?"John McCormack at The Weekly Standard Blog:
"Of course, it takes more than superior credentials to defeat a well-funded incumbent senator. The strong backing of Sarah Palin was certainly crucial for Miller."Lauren Seifert at CBS News' Political Hotsheet:
"Miller's campaign may not have gotten much traction were it not for Sarah Palin, who's been an active and often-successful endorser in this election cycle. Palin lobbied hard for Miller while snubbing Murkowski, whom she originally endorsed last year before switching her endorsement... Republican Strategist Cheri Jacobus... said 'I don't think there's any question that the impact of Sarah Palin is still very strong.'"Shane Vander Hart at Caffeinated Thoughts:
"Governor Sarah Palin... in a story reported by Anchorage Daily News is getting credit from one camp and blame from the other..."- JP
To my mind, it was great Sarah endorsed Joe Miller... but, let's give credit to everyday Alaskans who want to move away from 'royalty' (ala Murkowski, Knowles, Begich etc) and want to have a fresh face. Sarah would be the first to agree with me, I think.