Special "Miracle on Ice III" Edition.
Jim Geraghty at NRO's Campaign Spot:
"If this holds up... it is probably the biggest political upset of the cycle. I’ve talked about how some of Sarah Palin’s endorsements have been longshots, and so we shouldn’t be surprised when a number of them fall short. Well, even if Miller ends up falling short by a small margin, she’s proven that her endorsement still carries enormous weight in her home state’s politics."Ken at One American's Opinion:
"Yes America, Sarah Palin has become a very real Category 5 threat to the old political structure in America."John Lott:
"Alaska looks to be replacing Sen. Murkowski in Republican primary... This will be pretty amazing if things continue the way that they look right now. Murkowski had a huge lead just weeks ago, and then Sarah Palin endorsed Joe Miller. As I recently noted, 'Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski Rejects Repealing Obamacare.' These are the types of changes that Republicans will have to make if they are going to convince voters that they are serious about repealing Obamacare."David A. Patten at Newsmax.com:
"Incumbent GOP Sen. Lisa Murkowski's stunning setback in Alaska sends a powerful message to political insiders in both parties: Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is now the GOP's clear No. 1 kingmaker."Alvin Felzenberg at U.S. News blogs:
"The state with the greatest potential to cast egg... on the face of pundits is Alaska. For the last several weeks, the 'narrative'... has been the alleged 'catfight' between former Gov. Sarah Palin and Sen. Lisa Murkowski... Sen. Ted Stevens'... use of his vaunted position in the Senate to corrupt the appropriations process to steer money from 49 other states to Alaska and the degree to which Murkowski sought to emulate him presented Alaskans with an important choice to make. Do they want to be known as the proud, independent last frontier we saw every week on Northern Exposure, or as the lobbyist-laden, politically corrupt, federally financed 'bridge to nowhere' state, where benefits, produced by the hard work and taxes of the many--both inside Alaska and out--are bestowed on the powerful, the well-connected, and the few? Republican primary voters, albeit by a narrow margin, appear to have decided. Again, what is it about them that armchair and anchor analysts do not understand? Pork barrel spending and Tea Parties do not often or always mix -- not even in Alaska."Maggie at Maggie's Notebook:
"Press and pundits have gleefully said Sarah is losing her clout, even in her own State... Today the MSM is in mourning, learning the hard lesson that Sarah Palin supports the sames values and principles that freedom-loving Americans support."Huma Khan of ABC News:
"Not one poll had Miller even close to Murkowski. But it didn't take long for the tide to turn. With funds from the California-based Tea Party Express flowing in under the tutelage of Sarah Palin, Miller stunned the political world Tuesday... Perhaps [a] political shift that Murkowski didn't gamble on was the power of Palin's endorsement and the Tea Party's influence, one that many say helped change the course of the race... But it was Palin, Republican insiders say, who helped pull the purse strings. Her political action committee gave $5,000 to Miller's campaign, and helped with getting the Tea Party Express to bankroll much of Miller's campaign. It's unusual for national money to pour into Alaska for midterm elections, except for when an incumbent is running. But Palin changed that game."Sister Toldjah:
"Would love to see Palin via Miller go 2-0 versus the big government Murkowski family."Mike Memoli at The Swamp:
"Sarah Palin's biggest political victory this year could come in her home state, where her endorsed candidate for Senate holds a surprising lead over incumbent Lisa Murkowski in the Alaska Republican Senate primary... Palin had not actively campaigned with Miller, but posted support on Facebook and Twitter, and recorded a late telephone message on his behalf. 'He's got the backbone to confront Obama's radical agenda. By contrast, Lisa Murkowski has voted with the Democrats more than any Republican up for re-election this year,' she said."Frank J. at IMAO:
"It’s looking like a major upset in the Alaska GOP primary for Senate, as the Sarah Palin and Tea Party backed candidate Joe Miller is currently ahead of the establishment backed incumbent Lisa Murkowski. I think the lesson [is] don’t have blue-state Republicans in a red state — especially not this year."Toby Harnden at The Daily Telegraph:
"There were a couple of prominent mainstream media memes before last night’s primary elections. One was that... Sarah Palin endorsements did not matter or were even counter-productive and that Joe Miller, the candidate she had backed in Alaska, was a sure-fire loser against Senator Lisa Murkowski... Well, it looks like Murkowski... may well be out of a job come January. Miller is saying that Palin’s endorsement was 'absolutely pivotal' and Murkowski is certainly bleating about it. All in all, it was a remarkably good night for Palin. Assuming Miller does eventually prevail, all her candidates won. I guess that means it’s time for a new Palin meme."Dafydd at Big Lizards:
"Can the Murkowski clan spell 'nepotism?'"Weekend Monkey at Joshuapundit:
"Well, [Tuesday] night's primaries showed one thing...any of my Democrats who diss Rethug pin up Sarah Palin and discount her influence are definitely up the wrong tree and could be headed for a nasty fall... A lot of the Donkeys were high fiving each other, laughing at Palin and predicting that Miller was gonna get stomped like a rat running in front of an elephant stampede. Instead, when the dust settled, Miller was on top... and since it's Alaska, he's almost a shoo in for the senate seat. Palin give him a few shekels out of her Pac, made some speeches and recorded a robo-call for Miller... Anyway, Miller credits her with making the difference. She did, no doubt about it... But the point is that whatever else my Democrats are gonna say about Sarah Palin, they gotta admit that she's to be reckoned with. It remains to be seen whether Palin's appeal crosses party lines, but only a deranged baboon would make book that it won't. In the political jungle, this Monkey can tell you that Sarah Palin is gonna be one beast that needs watching...and not just for her looks."MacRanger at Macsmind:
"The PDS crowd will be upping their therapy over this for sure."Hillbuzz:
"We’re telling you, as people who have always liked her, that Governor Palin has not even fully come into her own yet. We’ve only seen a small taste of what this woman has, in terms of potential, because we believe fully that she wakes up each day and operates with a servant’s heart. She is not in this for the money, the cocktail parties, the soggy sandwiches, or the plastic hair that drew people like Mitt Romney and Tim Pawlenty into politics. Governor Palin is the real deal, and she is 100% in sync with not only what’s best for this country, but with where we think the mood of the electorate is heading. She’s going to surf this wave all the way to Washington, and we hope she gets to bring as many like-minded, America-loving, Left-fighting grizzlies with her."- JP
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