Thursday, August 26, 2010

Erickson: Red Alert in Alaska

Sources close to Joe Miller, Sarah Palin, and others in Alaska all seem sure that Lisa Murkowski can’t make up the difference in the vote count for the GOP U.S. Senate race, according to Erick Erickson. But the CNN contributor and editor warns that there is still a problem:

The absentee ballots will not be counted for a week or so. Already there are rumors of “found” ballots. Murkowski is refusing to go away quietly, even allowing her campaign to float the idea of a third party bid or write-in candidacy.

Joe Miller needs a quick infusion of cash to his campaign to pay for a ballot integrity program. Tea Party activists need to get to Alaska immediately to help secure the process and make sure Murkowski cannot steal the election.

And once all of that is done, Alaska media sources are reporting the Democrats may yank the winner of their contest and put in former Governor Tony Knowles, who they think will have a stronger shot at Miller.
We're all strapped for cash in Obama's "Summer of Recovery Recession," but please give Joe Miller what you can as soon as you can. Remember how the Democrats kept "finding ballots" and recounting in Minnesota until they achieved the desired result of giving Al Frankenclown a seat in the U.S. Senate? Let's make sure that the Dems and Vichy Republicans don't pull off the same dirty trick in Alaska!

- JP

1 comment:

  1. The old "found ballots" trick. Here in MN, at least 150 ballots were "found" in the trunk of someones car, and amazingly enough, all of them were for Al Franken. Other water damaged ballots were "found" in a jamitors closet at a church, again, all for Franken. By time all these ballots were "found" Franken came out the winner. During the whole shameful process, Tim Pawlenty sat on his hands and uttered not a word, allowing his ACORN approved AG run wild in the recount.
