Sunday, August 15, 2010

An American mom speaks: Palin’s genius is the message

Duluth News Tribune reader Shelley Tuttle wrote the newspaper in response to a recent Kathleen Parker op-ed. We believe Ms. Tuttle speaks for many of the moms Gov. Palin is targeting with her message:
The reason Sarah Palin resonates with moms across the U.S. is that deep in our hearts we believe in what she’s saying. Just visit the YouTube site, and you will see moms holding signs saying, “I love Sarah Palin because she loves my country,” “No government health care,” “Moms opposed to mandates unconstitutional,” and, “Annoy (a) liberal, work hard (and) pay your own bills.” The site also includes sound bites from Palin’s speeches, including, “We don’t like this fundamental transformation,” and, “No, (government takeover of health care and overreaching government programs aren’t) right for our kids and for our grandchildren,” and, “Respecting the will of the people.”


Palin’s genius is the message!


Let’s have a show of hands for Nancy Pelosi if you think she’s the one who will bring our country around by offering bridges to nowhere, which she seems to be trying to construct everywhere, and by aspiring to get written up in the history books. Or will your hand go up for Palin, who cares deeply about our country and who is not willing to put its people under the bus for political gain?
Ms. Tuttle's full reader's opinion piece is here.

- JP

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