Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Who are the anti-Palin leakers?

We already know about Nicole Wallace. And we've long been suspicious of Steve Schmidt. Mark Hemingway has obtained copies of some e-mail traffic between The Weekly Standard's William Kristol and Scheunemann, and some exchanges between McCain campaign manager Rick Davis and Elisabeth Bumiller of the New York Times, which he reproduces here.

The more that comes out, the more Scheunemann looks like the fiercely loyal campaign aide to Sarah Palin we thought he was. He a real stand-up guy. Not so for Schmidt, however. I'm not surprised. He has said that what the GOP needs is more gays and less God. Not many who follow that way of thinking are supportive of Sarah Palin. He sounds like Kathleen Parker, for Pete's sake. She wanted Gov. Palin dropped from the 2008 GOP presidential ticket, an action, which if it had been taken, would have resulted in a losing landslide of McGovern proportions.

Update: Allah narrows it down to Schmidt, Salter or Davis. Smells like Schmidt to me. More from Melissa Clouthier, Patterico and Power Line.

- JP

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