Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Believe this: Mama Grizzy will get her payback

Doctor Zero's prognosis, "Nobody knows the Left’s game plan better than Sarah Palin, and it seems like she plans to use what she has learned":
Palin can do a lot of good by highlighting the thuggish tactics of the Left, which were all on nauseating display in the campaign to destroy her. Deranged conspiracy theories, in her case about the maternity of her son? Check. Blinding hypocrisy and manufactured “crises” pushed by political operatives masquerading as “journalists?” Absolutely. Vicious misogyny, passed along with nary a raised eyebrow from “feminists?” You betcha. Invasions of privacy and abuses of government to destroy a political target? Ten-four.
The good doctor is right. Using Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals as its strategic guide, the Left has smeared Sarah Palin with abandon, and it has not been held accountable so far:
Like the people who exploited Alaskan law to bury Palin under bogus ethics complaints, the Left is generally free to lob dirty bombs at its opponents, with few lasting repercussions. The story of David Letterman’s unforgivable attacks on the Palin children ended with Letterman still holding his job, having suffered nothing worse than being forced to issue a tortured apology… while Sarah Palin stopped being the governor of Alaska [Sunday]. Only time will tell if Letterman learned any sort of lesson from the affair, but you only need to drop by a liberal blog to see that the Left, as a whole, drew exactly the wrong lesson.
True, Sarah Palin has liberated herself from the Alaska governor's office, which in effect unties the one hand she previously had bound behind her back. She will now be able to go to battle with the Alinskyites unemcumbered. But it will be a bloody fight because the stakes are so high. As Phil Brennean observed:
They are making stuff up about Palin because telling the truth about her threatens to undo all they are trying to do to help Obama turn America into a socialist worker's paradise.
Brennan explained that it is key to the Left, its media shock troops and GOP fellow travellers that they define Sarah Palin as an ignorant and stupid snowbilly and her supporters as easily-duped fools in flyover country:
What makes Palin dangerous to the collectivists is her popularity with the great mass of ordinary Americans. They see her for what she is — one of them. When she speaks she speaks in a language they understand, and she makes sense — good common sense. She sees things as they see them and not as the media elite wants them to see them. And that makes her dangerous.
So she must be, in Brennan's words, "demonized, slandered, and crushed." The only problem with their plan is that Sarah Palin was raised by her parents, Chuck and Sally Heath, to be a fighter. She has shown no small degree of grit and determination in her life, though the Left and their media and Vichy GOP allies call her a quitter. Our money's on the mama grizzly wearing the Kawasaki glasses. She has a lot of payback coming, and we have no doubt that she has a plan of her own to extract it.

- JP

1 comment:

  1. It's a fallacy on the media's part to say her appeal is limited. Case in point: I'm a 26 year old female, single, grad degree, don't regularly attend church, and live in an urban environment. There are many independents who fit this mold. Additionally, she can take back the blue collar segment who fell for Obama in '08.

    She doesn't need to be liked by the liberals or Rockefeller Repubs. She needs to gain the trust of those who thought they were voting for an even tempered and moderate candidate but ended up getting an arrogant liberal. Of that I have no doubt she can do.

    And to those feminists out there who say I'm a traitor for supporting her then hang me. You women never represented something I wanted to be.
