Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Memo to Obama: Sully for Flag Ettiquette Czar

He says it's not a big deal to him, but Sully can't pass up an opportunity to criticize Sarah Palin. So he posts this.

I wonder if Andrew Sullivan, that great defender of flag etiquette, would have bothered to spare the bandwidth to call attention to Joe Biden's treatment of the flag at the DNC:

According to Sully's flag etiquette link:
"The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property."
Perhaps the upside-down flag at Biden's feet was a warning of the "extreme danger" to the United States that the Democrat victory in the 2008 election would bring.

Oh, and Sully? We have your brandishing of kids as political pawns right here.

Bloody hypocrite.

- JP

1 comment:

  1. Oh brother, the main thing is - it wasn't touching the ground... unlike Uncle Joe's.
