Saturday, August 8, 2009

Leftist radicals are driving voters toward Sarah Palin

Aaron Goldstein has posted some thoughts on the "Splitsville" smears at the Intellectual Conservative Blog that we believe are worth sharing:
If one genuinely disagrees with Palin's point of view or policies then fine. No one is under any obligation to cast a ballot for her should she seek public office again. But why bring her spouse and children into it? Because the more this is done towards Sarah Palin the more this will solidify her existing support.

Such behavior will also draw people to her who might not otherwise agree with everything she says or does. These people will be drawn to her side because they a) are not satisfied with the progress of the Obama Administration b) want something more from Obama supporters than rumor, innuendo and unfair personal attacks and c) like just enough of what Palin has to say to give her a chance.

This final reason is why Sarah Palin is a force with whom to be reckoned.
According to a Pew Research poll released June 24, Sarah Palin's favorability ratings have increased by 6 points among independents and 7 points with Democrats since November. She is steadily improving her standing with the two demographic groups that were most problematic for her in the 2008 election.

We believe that Goldstein's point is well taken. Voters among these two groups who previously opposed Palin based on first impressions are growing weary of the vicious attacks on her character and her family, and many of them are giving her a second look. The politics of personal destruction has a very short half-life. We could never convince the more radical elements of the Left that they are driving voters toward Palin, but then why should we even try?

- JP


  1. Waiting for people to become astonished and alarmed at what the Obama admin is doing and then shifting back over to the conservative side? Well that's an extreme gamble. Its certainly not going to happen within the next 15 months in time for 2010. What Sarah is doing is great. Her use of the term "Obama's Death Panel" describing socialized medicine is awesome. "But" she's also going to have to isolate and attack, head-on some of the huge problems within the dysfunctional GOP. Until that happens, we're delusional to think that the tide is actually significantly turning. It is not. Darvin Dowdy

  2. What's really incredible is that she gets such high rating, at least among Republicans, and she isn't doing much. People love her for her character and values.

    Not only isn't she doing much (quit as governor, signed a book deal in NYC, wrote two political articles, took a one-week vacation), but most of the press is against her, yet she's still remarkably popular. I can't wait to see what happens when she really gets out there and starts speaking.
