Sunday, August 23, 2009

Smears For Fears

From The Layman's Corner a blog post on how the campaign to smear Sarah Palin and her family works:

1. Democrats crank out the anti-Palin smears.
2. These smears are then amplified by the Maimstream Media.
3. A horde of nutroots leftist bloggers makes sure the smears never die even long after they have been debunked.

I have never seen so much fear of one person as I have with the media and democrat politicians and their fear of this woman; any time this woman thinks about making a statement, either on her Facebook page or on the air, the MSM jumps on it like a cat does a mouse.

Then MSNBC, CNN, NBC and the rest of their ilk milks it...


And the media doesn’t just smear her. They seem to have a penchant for going after her family.

Let’s peer into the past and recall some of the “unbiased” reportage of her by the mainstream media.

Remember Lyda Green? She complained that nobody had asked her about Sarah when she was vetted. She was also the same person that tried to create a scheduling conflict so Sarah would miss her son’s graduation.

What about the defamatory claim by that ragtag group of people at the Huffington Post, who made the wild claim that Trig’s mother is Bristol?

And what about the smear campaign from that trustworthy National Enquirer about Track Palin?

Then there was the accusation that she was a secessionist.

Rachel Maddow smeared Sarah by claiming she is anti Semitic.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.
Alinsky rules.

- JP

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