Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Perry is for the Texas way; KBH is for the Beltway

Our former colleague hogan sums up why we like Gov. Perry in this race:
He blasts Obamacare - calling it “one of the scariest policies.” He touts tort reform. He notes the absurdity of focusing on a flawed immigration plan as a way to “win” hispanic votes, and shows an understanding of that community which represents more than one third of his state demographically. He recognizes good people to follow and miserable people to follow. For example, stating, “I love Sarah Palin… [s]he is substantially more the face of this country than some other people who might want to be…” He points to Hayek’s “The Road to Serfdom,” and the more contemporary book by Amity Shlaes, “The Forgotten Man,” as books currently occupying his thoughts. On the other hand, he notes the squandered opportunities by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, and he rightfully calls Senator Voinovich (R-OH) a “piece of work,” in response to the Senator’s idiotic and misplaced dismissal of southern conservatives. Finally, he calls out the Obama administration directly, saying, “[t]o me, this is one of the great Frankenstein experimentations in American history. We’ve seen that movie before. It was from 1932 to 1940.”

In short, Perry “gets it.”
Kay "Bailout" Hutchison, on the other hand, doesn't get it. hogan points us to her Austin American-Statesman op-ed, in which she berates Gov. Perry for his principled stand against accepting 550 million federal bribe dollars.

KBH's opinion piece echoes the slams Sarah suffered in Alaska for refusing to accept those federal stimulus dollars which she believed would compromise her state's sovereignty. She and Gov. Perry understand that the states must stand against a federal monster which threatens to steal their last remaining states' rights as granted under the constitution. Sen. Hutchison, by contrast, has become more a creature of the Beltway than a daughter of Texas.  

We join Sarah Palin in endorsing Governor Rick Perry in his bid for reelection.

- JP

1 comment:

  1. Josh, great post buddy, as ever!

    Plus, DC Kay Bailout slammed Gov Palin when she first endorsed Gov Perry, her good friend, a while back....

    I saw the original piece yesterday.

    What's not to love about a man who denounces ObamaCare, defends his friend (Palin) and quotes Von Hayek, in today's age!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I dream of being in Texas so I could vote for the re-election of a real man, a governor with the most economically vibrant state in the union.
