Saturday, August 29, 2009

August 29th: Other Bloggers Remember

Editor's note: Having heard from this blog's contributors and some of our fellow blogroll members, we conclude our day-long special series of posts with some excerpts from posts by some other bloggers on this, the first anniversary of Sarah Palin going, as the ZZ Top song says, "nationwide."

John Ziegler at Big Hollywood:
"The last twelve months of Sarah Palin’s life truly bring new meaning to the phrase 'what a difference a year makes.' I strongly believe that no public figure in modern America has ever endured more stress, pressure and unfair scrutiny in a more dignified fashion than she has over the past year (though what George W. Bush tolerated over the last three years of his presidency probably comes in a close second)."
Fay at Sarah's Web Brigade:
"Sarah Palin's resignation as governor was not an end in itself but the launch of a greater role in the affairs of our country. She has stepped forward as a voice of opposition to efforts to dismantle our government and take away our freedoms. Sarah Palin is here to stay, and Sarah Palin supporters all over cannot wait to call her Madame President!"
Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs:
"What a year it has been for her and us. Looking back in hindsight, could the differences between Palin and Barack be more stark? Obama is all artifice. Palin is all real, all that. Obama is all style. Palin is all substance. Obama is anti-American. Palin is all-American. Obama holds the US military in contempt. Palin reveres the military. The military loves Palin. The military is on to Obama. The corrupt activist media loves Obama. The corrupt activist media loathes and libels Palin."
Adrienne (the Texan, not the New Yorker) at Sarah Palin 2012:
"It was definitely one of the best days ever and it changed my life. For me it sparked a desire to really get behind the conservative movement, and try to elect the most conservative, everyday Americans we can. It changed my views on the Republican party. But most of all as a woman, that day definitely inspired me that I could have it all - the career, family, everything - just like Palin. And she is someone who I agree with politically on nearly everything. I could relate to her and I was supremely impressed by her servant's heart."
azaeroprof at
"Sarah Palin’s ascension changed the conservative nation overnight. Millions of people who had zero (or even negative) enthusiasm about politics and the 2008 campaign suddenly showed up at Republican Headquarters around the country. The volunteer ranks exploded overnight, and suddenly there were McCain-Palin signs everywhere where previously there were only Obama and “Change We Can Believe In” signs. The conservative movement had received a transfusion of energy, enthusiasm, and optimism that we had lacked for a long, long time."
Jackie at SarahNET:
"On August 29, 2008 Sarah Palin was introduced to the nation. Not only did she give hope to the Republican Party but she inspired thousands, if not millions of young girls. I am one of them. Up until then really the only prominent female in politics (on a national level) was Hilary Clinton. I grew to admire Sarah Palin during the election. And after her RNC speech I was hooked. She had faith in God and seemed to have a good head on her shoulders. She stood firm on issues that Conservatives hold dear. She was an attractive woman with an attractive family. Her outgoing personality and love for sports helped her appeal to the younger woman. She could relate to everyday moms, female athletes and the young girls who now hope to follow in her footsteps."
Midknight Review:
"We at Midknight Review, have no idea who we will support for President in 2012. One thing for certain, Sarah Palin has the ability to pull GOP conservatives together and seems to be the only national conservative politician willing to take the time and energy to do so at this moment.

She is Miss Middle America, rising up from mopping floors and raising kids to national prominence and we give her great credit for her success and continued effort. Others may come along, but right now, we see no one else to whom we can turn for leadership."
Brianus Berkleianus (via Doug Brady) at C4P:
"John McCain made his selection official in Dayton, Ohio, a name and town that will always evoke and stir in me sentiments of grace and gratitude. Then Sarah walked in. Even before she uttered a word, even before I got a clear view of her incomparable, diaphanous eyes, mirrors of and witnesses to her soul's depth and power, that confident, fearless, straight, beautiful stride of hers, as she and her daughter Piper proceeded into the arena of battle to the stirring strains of the "Rudy" theme, awoke in my breast sentiments of hope, of devotion, of courage...of love."
K. Carpenter at Stepping Right Up:
"If you watch this again, everything she said an Obama administration would bring us has taken place, only 8 months after he took office."
- JP

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