Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sarah and Rush help to drive up Genn Beck's ratings

By almost a million more viewers than Beck averaged in July, as a matter of fact:

Beck Ratings

HotAirPundit has the rest of the cable news ratings for Wednesday night.

Update: Entitlement Syndrome blogs on it, and gives Sarah all the credit for the ratings bump. While we love Sarah, support her, defend her and blog for her, this is the last thing she would want, in our opinion. Rush might have had something to do with running those numbers up too, doncha think? And Sarah Palin would be the first one to give him credit.

That's why we titled this post "Sarah and Rush help to drive up Genn Beck's ratings." More on this in the comments.

- JP


  1. I used to be a bit skeptical how much impact Sarah Palin had on different measurable things, figuring that she was just one of several factors involved. There are just too many coincidences. In August 2008, the majority of people described themselves as pro-choice. In the spring of 2009, the majority described themselves as being pro-life. In July 2009, Sarah Palin resigns as governor, 0bama's numbers start to decline. Sarah Palin posts the words "death panels" and his numbers decline even more. On Tuesday, August 26, Beck had 2.6 million viewers, Palin issues an invitation for those on her Facebook to watch, on Wednesday he goes over 3 million.

    I am now convinced that Sarah Palin is having a dramatic, measurable impact on the country, whether people want to admit it or not. There are just too many things to say they are all coincidental.

  2. Rush might have had a little something to do with it too. You know, one thing I really admire about Sarah Palin is that she doesn't try to take all the credit for herself. When the Senate dropped the section from its health care bill that she had written about on Facebook, the first thing Sarah did was to give credit to the American people, not to herself.

    I wish more Palin supporters would try to be like Sarah and not try to ascribe supernatural powers to her. Yes, she has a tremendous impact when she speaks out. No, she is not the only reason things happen. She did not make the Senate drop the provision all by herself. She had a lot do with it, but she was not the sole reason.

    If you read a certain blog, you will be led to believe that Sarah Palin is the sole reason that Obama's poll numbers have been tanking. No, she is not. Yes, she is probably partially reesponsible, but Rush, Hannity, Ingraham, Levin, hundreds of bloggers and thousands of ordinary Americans are also partially responsible. Most of the credit for Obama's poll decline, however, should go to Obama and his Democrat friends. By overreaching and pushing his hard left agenda too fast and too furiously, they are scaring the fecal matter out of the American people.

    Yes, we love Sarah. Yes, she is making a difference. No, she does not make the sun rise in the morning and set in the evening. It's time some Palin supporters wake up and realize that they may be hurting her more than helping her.

    - JP

  3. Painter,

    Are you talking about this post?

    If so, I don't see anywhere in this post where it's stated that "Sarah Palin is the sole reason that Obama's poll numbers have been tanking." I don't see how the post would lead one to believe that statement. If you aren't talking about that post, then forget everything I just wrote.

  4. With Palin having Beck and Limbaugh firmly on her side. She should be ok among conservatives. If she is able to up her numbers among moderate independents, Obama better watch out. Sarah Palin clearly right now is the most influential person n facebook. Her haters are already foaming at the mouth.They are really going to go mental when Palin is once again on the campaign trail helping conservative candiates in a few months.
