Sunday, August 30, 2009

Why Conservatives Outnumber Libs in All 50 States

A recent (August 17) Gallup poll found that in every one of the 50 states, there are more conservatives than liberals. Gallup's astoundingly significant findings were virtually ignored by the liberal media, which has been reduced to nothing more than a giant public relations network for the leftist Democrat Party.

Even Gallup itself couldn't admit the truth of its own survey results, headlining its report "Political Ideology: 'Conservative' Label Prevails in the South." The South? When did all 50 states become part of the South? South of what -- the moon? You have to read the sub-head to see that there are actually more conservatives than liberals in every state of the Union -- yes, even in the Democrat bastions of Massachusetts and Vermont. To try to save a little face for the libs, Gallup incorrectly labels Washington, D.C. a "state" in order to have some place on its charts where it can say that there are more liberals than conservatives.

Even more intriguing to us than the "what" of Gallup's results is the "why" -- why are Americans increasingly self-identifying as conservatives? The overreaching by president Obama and the Democrats is one possible answer. Americans in greater numbers are recoiling from the Left's attempt to change the Republic of the founders into a socialist nightmare. Liberals themselves have become the most effective recruiters for the conservative cause.

Consider the following from nutroots website Washington Politics and Affairs:
"Why doesn't Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin and the rest of them come and say the real reason they are opposed to health care reform is because they cannot stand the idea that the President of the United States does not look like them or fit the stereotype of the American Aryan they envision as the normal American. Barack Obama is Black and they cannot stand it. They are racist morons who want to return this country to the days before the Civil War when this country was divided into classes. Their opposition to health care reform is about class, money and power. They need to stop reading Mein Kamf and try reading the Federalist Papers or the Constitution."
It is amazing how much stupidity, ignorance and hate can be packed into one paragraph. Notice how the race card is played right off the bat by the moonbat author, whose thesis is that Sarah Palin opposes Obama care because she allegedly is a racist. Adrienne Ross debunks that foul liberal lie here. Adrienne, who just happens to be a young conservative woman of color, looks a lot like Sarah Palin to us. When we look at the photo on Adrienne's blog of the two women together, we see two beautiful children of God who practice what Dr. Martin Luther King preached -- that it is by the content of a person's character that he or she should be judged, not by the color of their skin. As Adrienne explained in another post:
"And while the Left continues to race bait, while they call white conservatives like Sarah Palin 'racist' and Black conservatives like me 'sell-out,' I know Dr. King got it, even forty six years ago, and what's more important, I get it.
Americans have grown weary of liberals -- especially white liberals -- playing the race card and calling conservatives "racist" for their stands on issues that have nothing whatsoever to do with race. It is a major turn-off, and it is increasingly making conservatives out of thoughtful moderates... and independents out of Democrats. Who's are the real "racist morons" now, Washington Politics and Affairs?

Having played the race card, the author plays another all-too-familiar card the Left keeps up its collective sleeve -- the Nazi card -- saying "they" need to "stop reading Mein Kampf and try reading the Federalist Papers or the Constitution." We submit that if this author has indeed read the Constitution, then he or she has a severe reading comprehension deficit. I challenge the author to cite the section of the constitution which declares that not only is health care a "right" but that it is the duty of the federal government to provide it. Playing the Nazi card is another stupid liberal trick which may play well with those way out there on the leftist fringe, but, like playing the race card, it pushes the thoughtful moderate independents and even Democrats away from the Left.

The more liberals try to paint Sarah Palin and other conservatives as the racists and Nazis that they clearly are not, the more Sarah's message will resonate with ordinary Americans of all colors and creeds, and the conservative majority will continue to grow. Playing the race card, the class card and the Nazi card are poor substitutes for presenting an argument on the merits of an issue. The Left has gone to their dried-up well too many times, and the majority of Americans are no longer deceived by tired liberal tactics.

- JP

1 comment:

  1. They say that when things aren't going well for the Obama camp the "race card" comes into play.
    It's funny how the Dem's are the only ones using it. Tim Wise in discussing the protesters at town hall meetings drew upon a weak analogy that compared the "founding fathers as a bunch of "white supremist" guys. What garbage from another over-educated liberal. I guess he envisioned white pointed hoods on Adams, Jefferson, and the rest. They only committed treason to the crown,risked death by hanging, and founded a country where Wise now can insult them for founding the country where he can spew what he wants without fear of retribution.

    Edisto Joe
    The Edisto Joe Outlook
