Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Palin following the example of George Washington

Paul Whitfield takes a little-known fact -- that Lt. Col. George Washington quit the Virginia militia in 1754 -- and has a bit of fun with it:
Imagine if you will how the media would've handled the story, if only our modern news creatures had been there to impart their instant wisdom to colonial America.

"Georgy Porgy is one nutty puppy," pundit Maureen Dowd wrote on hearing the news. "George wanted everyone to know that he's not having fun in the Virginia militia and people are being mean to him and he doesn't feel like serving anymore."

Todd Purdum, reporting for Vanity Fair, said the soldier's behavior has been a source of concern.

"Several told me, independently of one another," Purdum wrote, "that they had consulted the definition of 'narcissistic personality disorder' — a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration and lack of empathy — in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and thought it fit Washington perfectly."

Not to be outdone by speculative "reporting," Colonialist News Network anchor Rick Sanchez asked on the air: "Is there anything going on with him that perhaps may lead him to want to quit the Virginia militia, and the one thing that's still left out there, hey, could young George have gotten a girl pregnant?"
- JP