Thursday, July 9, 2009

Latest lie from the Left: Palin 'did something' to MJ

If you thought the Left couldn't sink any lower than when they photoshopped photos to mock Baby Trig, think again:

That was just a kook caller. Really. I mean, there's no way that caller could have been a Democrat moby intent on stirring up even more hatred for Sarah Palin on lib talk radio by spreading crazy lies. Why, that would be impossible. There's absolutely zero chance of that ever happening. It's so beyond unlikely that it's impossible.

Listen to the clip again. Notice how calm the caller's voice is, not all stressed out and shouting like most kook callers to talk radio programs. And what's up with Sharpton's reply? "I’ll put it out, we’ll see?" He didn't ask her what leads her to believe what she said. Didn't question it in any way, shape or form. Big Al just let it slide on by.

But there's no way that caller could have been a moby. Nope, that's impossible. Couldn't happen. Ever.

h/t: The Radio Equalizer

- JP

1 comment:

  1. That has to be one of the most stupid things I've ever heard. I mean how could you not laugh listening to that if you were Sharpton.

    But no instead he said, "we'll put it out there."
