Monday, January 17, 2011

Quote of the Day (January 17, 2011)

"Your strength and lack of fear make America stronger"
Former NYC Mayor Ed Koch, a liberal Democrat:
"As I see it, in the current battle for public opinion Sarah Palin has defeated her harsh and unfair critics... Today the phrase 'blood libel' can be used to describe any monstrous defamation against any person, Jew or non-Jew... While I disagree with her and I am prepared to oppose her politically, in the spirit of longed-for civility I say, Ms. Palin you are in a certain sense an example of the American dream: You have the courage to stand up and present your vision of America to its people. Your strength and lack of fear make America stronger and are examples to be emulated by girls and boys, men and women who are themselves afraid to speak up. You provide the example that they need for self-assurance."
h/t: Benyamin Korn

- JP

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