Given Sarah Palin's announced plans...
"I will go around the country on behalf of candidates who believe...we hope she will campaign for Vaughn Ward in Idaho. Ward, who as a Major commanded a USMC rifle company in combat in Fallujah, is a candidate for the U.S. House to represent Idaho's 1st Congressional District. Ward says he's running because he wants "to protect our liberties - not grow the government and mortgage the future of our children and grandchildren":
in the right things, regardless of their party label or affiliation."
"I have spent my adult life serving Idaho and America. I can't stand idly by and watch our leaders take our country, a country that I swore an oath to protect, down its current path."Jim Geraghty reports that Ward has posted a Twitter message that "two Alaskans are coming to stump" for him in his home state. We are curious if Ward is referring to Jim and Faye Palin of Wasilla, Alaska. The former First Dude's parents are among the contributors to Ward's campaign. We hope that their famous daughter-in-law will also stump the state of her birth for the appealing young conservative candidate. She has had some degree of success on the campaign trail, once she was liberated from Team McCain's straight jacket.
- JP
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