Monday, December 7, 2009

Obama has a double standard for gate-crashers

Kristinn Taylor and Andrea Shea King at Andrew Breitbart's new site, Big Government:
President Barack Obama is “angry” about the infiltration of a State Dinner for Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh by two intruders, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said Tuesday.

Yet little over a year ago in September 2008, candidate Obama placed his seal of approval on the actions of one of his top funders, Code Pink co-founder and terrorist supporter Jodie Evans, by meeting with her at a high profile Hollywood fundraiser just days after Jodie Evans attempted to storm the stage during Sarah Palin’s acceptance speech.

Jodie Evans had committed identity theft that enabled her to sneak past security at the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minnesota.

After the incident, the mainstream media refused to report on the ties between Obama and Jodie Evans.
There's much, more more to this story about Obama and his rowdy friend. Read it all at Big Government.


  1. If it wasn't for double standards, some liberals wouldn't have standards. :)

  2. It gets very frustrating trying to understand why people think in such a moronic manor. The constant claims that Sarah is unprepared is based on what?! She was the only person last year among the candidates that had executive experience. Most of our presidents have been governors. I truly would love to know putting the facts on the table how Barack Obama was more "prepared" to be President then Sarah Palin.
