Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Recovering Liberal on Sarah Palin's Support for Israel

At Recovering Liberal, an interesting rejoinder to the hysterical Left's Palinophobia, more specifically their obsession with her religious views and ridiculous assertions that of every elected president, she would be driven by some allegedly overpowering end times philosophy to hasten the Savior's return by initiating Armageddon in the Holy Land. Here's an abstract:
Sarah Palin's support for Israel is unquestioned, abiding and deep.


It is ridiculous to hold, even for one second, that Palin could not separate her support for the legitimacy and security of Israel as a political entity from her support of Israel in biblical prophesy. Kissinger and Albright managed to keep faith and heritage apart from their politics. Why then should Palin be any less capable than JFK was to keep his beliefs in the Pope separate from his constitutional oath of office?


Judge Palin on her oath to the constitution and her defending America's security at home and abroad against real threats from those who would destroy our values.
 It is often said that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. The failure of the secular Left to learn even the most rudimentary basics of Christian belief make them more dangerous than that which they fear. When Christ returns, it will be at a time of The Father's own choosing, and no bible-believing Christian would dare play God, especially if it meant hastening the day of judgment on which they would be condemned for interfering with God's plan.

They said the same thing about Reagan, of course -- that he would initiate a nuclear war in the Middle East as a shortcut to the timeline for the rapture. Guess what? Didn't happen. And Palin's record as governor of Alaska proves that she did not govern as the theocrat they claim she is. But since when have liberals let facts get in the way of one of their smears?

- JP

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