Monday, December 14, 2009

IBD Editors weigh in on Palin v. Gore

The editors of Investors Business Daily on the matter of Palin v. Gore:
The Alaskan governor who knew polar bears weren't endangered says the planet isn't either and challenges the oracle of climate change. Al Gore says despite the CRU e-mails, the situation is of the utmost gravity.


So fact-challenged is Gore on the subject that when he criticized Palin's position on global warming, he claimed: "I haven't read all the e-mails, but the most recent one is more than 10 years old. These private exchanges between these scientists do not in any way cause any question about the scientific consensus." Oh, yes they do, Al, and the word is "conspiracy," not "consensus."

As Anthony Watts' Web site Watts Up With That shows, one Climate-gate e-mail was from just two months ago. The most recent was sent on Nov. 12 — just a month ago. East Anglia Climate Research Unit director Phil Jones' infamous e-mail urging other Climate-gate scientists to delete e-mails is from last year.

As for the disappearing polar ice cap, according to the National Snow And Ice Data Center, second-year ice — the ice that survives the annual and normal summer melt — this summer made up 32% of the total ice cover on the Arctic Ocean compared with 21% in 2007 and 9% in 2008. Clearly, Arctic sea ice is not following the consensus touted by Gore and the warm mongers.

Despite pictures of floating polar bears taken in summer, data reported by the University of Illinois' Arctic Climate Research Center show global sea-ice levels the same as they were in 1979, when satellite observations began.


In this fight, we'll side with Gov. Palin, who says: "Saying no to Copenhagen and cap-and-tax are first steps in 'restoring science to its rightful place.'"
A growing number of Americans are becoming skeptical of what Gore says on the subject, and it's not simply because some data was cooked. Gore doesn't help his own cause when he says stupid things such as his recent claim that the temperature deep within the interior of the planet is "millions of degrees." we wonder how much longer can Gore get away with with his climate scam. Granted, there's no controlling legal authority to regulate his hot air emissions, but it's long past time that this charlatan was shut up, if not shut down.

Read the full IBD editorial here.

- JP


  1. Of the many times Gore says the northern ice sheets are shrinking, at least once the other day, he said that they had been the same size for three million years. He is wrong. We’ve had at least four glacial periods, “ice ages,” in the last three million years where the northern ice sheets grew to come down through Connecticut.

    It’s creepy how confident he can sound while being so wrong. Kind of Stephen King scary.

  2. Gore is claiming this morning that some computer model shows that summer Arctic ice could disappear by 2014. He says the scientists were shocked!! Imagine that.

    Hey Al, and all you politicized scientists out there, we're on to you. Computer models can show anything you want them to show. It all depends on what you feed into them. And the average non-scieintist knows it. This is the real and lasting damage of Climate Gate. Nothing is believable anymore. I bet that if you changed a few numbers you could show the summer polar ice doubling in size by 2014.
