Monday, December 21, 2009

Pawlenty: Palin more qualified than Obama to be president

In a recent interview with Newsweak, Tim Pawlenty told Howard Fineman that his former Repuiblican Governors Association colleague Sarah Palin is more qualified than President Obama to lead the country:
"She is easily as qualified as Barack Obama. I would argue she's more qualified in terms of leadership, experience, management, and supervision--actually running something. She was a mayor, head of an energy commission, and governor," Pawlenty said.
According to the National Journal's Hotline On Call blog, the Minnesota governor also described the GOP's 2008 vice presidential candidate as a "political rock star" with a platform from which she could run for president:
"We live in a society in which being familiar, being well known, gives you a platform. She certainly has that. The Democrats have all kinds of characters who are interesting, bold, and dramatic. On our side, you guys are obsessed with Palin," Pawlenty said.
Pawlenty said that he considers Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney to be the Republican Party's frontrunners for his party's 2012 nomination for president.

More details here.

- JP

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