Friday, December 11, 2009

Not to Worry: Sarah Palin Knows The Meaning of "Next"

- by Ian Ransom

Oh, I’ve thought about this one while observing the flurry and fantastic fury of Sarah’s book tour, friends. I’ve let it simmer on nights when I lie awake, ever-stunned at the audacious uselessness of our President and the diseased, freak-fest of liberal weasels (at every level) who keep taking a rabid approach to supposedly “destroying Sarah Palin.”

It is with great pleasure that I announce to dim, degenerate, and deaf progressive ears: “YOU HAVE LOST. SHE HAS BEATEN YOU ALL.”

It’s true. Of course, more socio-cultural analysis will certainly be directed upon the new “Era of Palin,” but as her monumentally successful book campaign winds to a close, she’s helped us—-her fellow common-sense conservatives—-realize that we’ve got some very steely grappling hooks into the meat of this revolution. Yeah, our Neo-Reagan vehicle may still be mired in a bit of mud at some chaotic crossroads (thanks to lingering RINOs), but Sarah’s triumphant re-ascent has been akin to a much-needed AAA visit. And by those three “A” letters, I specifically mean: Aggressive American Aptitude.

More than any other figure in the conservative universe, Sarah has just single-handedly generated enough spark and energy to jump-start the unmistakable beginnings of the unstoppable turnaround. Her new favorability in the polls proves it. The millions (yes, millions) who are buying her book to see exactly what she has to say about things are proving it. The thousands who have thumbed their noses at wind-chill and “conventional wisdom” to attend her book signings undeniably prove it. In many respects, this was far more than a mere publicity junket for Sarah Palin; this was a statement made by the American conservative constituency about what direction they indentify as representative of their own, and who they want to lead in that direction. Forget the liberal media’s envious dismissal of the crowds as being “enamored of a celebrity.”

People don’t risk frostbite to encounter mere “celebrity.” But they’ll risk it for their country, for their values. That’s what Sarah Palin’s new victory is all about: it's about our own victory. The first of many to come.

The next question is, appropriately, about “next.” What will Sarah do once the current excitement subsides? What should she do? If her recently excellent TV and radio interviews are any indication, she’ll continue to bone-up on complex national and international issues in her straight-shooting way, apply her common sense conservatism to the mix, and then choose her future interviews with the same sort of liberal-vaporizing savvy. She’ll welcome those who play into her wheelhouse, of course, but now that she’s thrown off the Schmidt/Wallace Chains of Mismanagement, she’s confident enough to throw-down with anybody along the Beltway, and will soon be armored enough to do so. Don’t be surprised when she sends a eunuch like Keith Olbermann running back to his Mommy in tears. Don’t be surprised if she frazzles the frump right out of Rachel Maddow’s lunch-lady hair, face-to-face.

And she’ll do it with the same unfettered optimism, charm, insight, and integrity she's just magnificently displayed across the proverbial board.

If her choice of speaking engagements is any indication (College of the Ozarks, Gridiron Dinner), she’ll also keep picking those battles wisely and with effective variety. Don’t be surprised to see her accept some key university invitations in the coming months—-in places you might not expect. She’s ready, friends.

Facebook will continue to be a potent tool for circumventing the lamestream media’s damnable filtration & sewage-spewing system, but now that Sarah has proved strong enough to outwit the vipers at their own game (and on their own programs) she will not have as much need for frequent use of the social networking site’s services. That’s a good thing, because she doesn’t want to overplay that particular hand to the point of trivialization.

Make no mistake: The Arctic Fox didn’t write this book and rush it out just to enjoy bus rides. She’s cannily assessing the national scene on her own terms, the way she once assessed her hometown and state “scenes” with such precision and grit, and indelibly on her own terms. She’s marching toward the White House and America’s reclamation from the brink, friends, as surely as she’s ever marched toward anything she’s deemed worthwhile and admirable in life. Best of all, we’re marching right by her side; every one of us, to the last.

Let’s keep our voices strong and our eyes, minds, and ears open, and make sure we get it done together.

- Ian

Ian Ransom is the editor of The Ian Ransom Notes


  1. In other words Ian .... I AGREE!


    Let's get it done .... perhaps there is still some 'mercy' left in the Heavenly Coffers with direction tag "TO: The United States of America."

  2. Excellent Ian! A Battle cry for the Republic?
    Whatever it is it's contagious and is spreading. Here in Australia about two weeks ago we had our own 'conservative' up rising. It was awesome to be part of. Our conservative politicians rebelled against their leader and threw him out of the leadership on his 'AGW believing' ear. They did that because conservative Australians like my family were mad as hell and would not take it anymore. They melted the phones and froze their MP's web pages in their anger over the passage of our version of Cap and Tax legislation. Conservative talk back radio switch boards went crazy as did those of us that knew the proposed legislation would destroy our economy. It was an excellent time to be a conservative Australian. You cannot imagine how it felt to see these courageous politicians resign their positions on the opposition front bench (shadow cabinet we call it) in protest to their leaders lack of leadership. Then when they elected a strong, Christian, pro life, family man to lead the charge against this disaster of a law and then when it was defeated by the power of the people it was just an amazing time. Although it was it was fun there were moments when we were scared for our children and the future of this country that we love but seriously, who can be against us when God is for us. They didn't have a chance really.
    However although we have fought the good fight, we have not finished the race, but we will keep the faith and continue.
    I have, for a long time, considered the fight against both the madness of AGW believers and uprising of 'environmentalism' to be a battle between good and evil. If they have their way they will convince others that man controls the climate and it is not just part of the work of our God that made this wonderful world. AGW is yet another attack on Christianity and must be defeated. "Let’s keep our voices strong and our eyes, minds, and ears open, and make sure we get it done together."

  3. Rally around the Fox, gentlemen!

    You cannot reclaim territory unless you stand upon it. So stand up, stand tall and stand for America!

    Wonderful packet o' word smithin' there, friend.

  4. Replying to JennyinOZ

    ALRIGHT Aussie! If only Conservatives in the USA can do the same .....

  5. Thanks, fellow common-sensory Americans (and kudos to Jenny in Oz; a lot of us have followed the maneuvers there--very encouraging).

    I do believe that the Palin book is, in many ways, a powerful ground-attack around which she very brilliantly launched what has to be the most rewarding "exploratory committee" ever.

    By the way, I don't think you'll ever hear those two particular beltway words cross Sarah Palin's lips. As many have said (right here in TX4P blog comments), Sarah is a whip-crackingly shrewd political leader who can assess--and also influence--the proverbial lay of the land.

    There's no question in my mind. What we just saw is Palin taking a good look "around town" (US of A) and saying to herself:

    "Oh yeah. I can win here."

    Not saying she isn't humble; she is. But via this tour she's been listening to American voices--ACTUAL AMERICAN VOICES!--in ways that ChicagObama never even remotely attempted or could fathom.

    Her triumph will be this nation's triumph. That's what she wants--she wants America to prosper for America's sake, and how long has it been since we've had someone of that shocking(!) level of integrity and optimism.

    And yes, Judeo-Christian values must be restored to the primary place in this nation's cultural vision. Screw the leftists if they don't "like" it. But we've got to not only get a Sarah Palin in office, we've got to start making Hollywood and the media actually pay for its garbage removal, and pay dearly, if you guys & gals catch my meaning.

  6. The battle, as pointed out by Sarah time and again, is not for 2012, it starts with 2010. Every mother's son needs to assess his own representative and senator, decide if the guy or gal is doing what the constituents want, then decide if he or she will stay in office.

    If they are lacking, to quote Donald Trump, "You are Fired!".

    Stand up. Stand up for our country. Stand up and demand the best from those on the hill.

    Stand up and stand with Sarah. She can't do the job alone!
