Monday, June 8, 2009

Van Flein: 'This is proper attribution'

The liberal lie has spread across the nutroots, as liberal lies tend to do. A HuffPo diarist had claimed that Gov. Palin 'plagiarized' Newt Gingrich, a ridiculous assertion which we debunked here.

Now Gov. Palin's lawyer, Thomas Van Flein weighs in:
"It is abundantly clear in context, and even in subcontext, that the overview of President Reagan's legacy was attributed to Newt Gingrich," Palin's lawyer, Thomas Van Flein, said.

"Far from 'lifting' or plagiary, this is proper attribution in a political speech," Van Flein said. "The audience was made aware that Mr. Gingrich wrote about President Reagan's legacy, and Gov. Palin attributed her paraphrasing to Mr. Gingrich expressly and did so at the beginning and at the end of the paraphrasing."

Palin twice referenced Gingrich during the speech. Toward the beginning, she said, "Recently, Newt Gingrich, he had written a good article about Reagan."

Later, she said, "What Newt had written in this article, he wrote, 'Remember how refreshing it was with his outrageous directness that Americans loved, and praised and deserved' that Reagan dealt with, with then the troublesome Soviet Union, remember this? His vision for the Cold War? We win, they lose."
This should be the end of the story, but the Left has a nasty habit of continuing to spread their vicious lies, even after they have been exposed as lies.

Rules for Radicals and all that....

- JP

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