Monday, June 15, 2009

Misogynistic attacks are opening some liberal women's eyes

The fallout from David Lecherman's raunchy and sexist attack on 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin and her daughters has yet to settle, but already a silver lining has appeared around the dark cloud of such attacks, which have become common from the left.

Until Gov. Palin stood her ground and declared that Creepy Dave apologize to young girls everywhere, liberal feminists had remained silent in the wake of attacks on conservative women, their children and their values. Now an increasing number of them have been pushed to the point where they can remain silent no more. Those women who truly believe in the principles of feminism have been forced to choose between their feminist ideals and the sort of political tactics taught by Saul Alinsky and other radical leftists.

Jill Stanek calls our attention to a Salon op-ed by Amanda Fortini:
"If there was any question that a stubborn strain of old-school sexism persists in Obama's America, one has only to look at certain leaders of what the right wing loves to call the "liberal media" but which is sounding and acting, recently, more like the frat-house media. There, like a virus hiding in the body before, perhaps, staging a comeback, misogyny has found a place to lurk almost undetected, at least by the usually sharp eyes of progressive feminists."
Perhaps it was the timing that has served to open the eyes of some liberal feminists:
"A week before these remarks aired, there was an uglier outbreak of the contagion in the pages of Playboy -- never a bastion of egalitarian forward thinking, but still -- where writer Guy Cimbalo published a list of 10 conservative women he'd like to "hate f___," a term that various observers interpreted as rough sex, sex tinged by rage, or rape."
Whatever it is that's rousing some "progressive" women from the narcolepsy attacks which seemed to strike them whenever conservative women were attacked by liberal beta males, we men of the alpha variety can only say that it is about time.

- JP


  1. Tennessee Guerilla Women has another pro-Palin column up today.

    This dustup with Letterboy may have helped his ratings, at least in the short term, but Gov. Palin's ratings I'd say have gone way up. Her Facebook page has about 7,000 new members just in the last few days, 2000 between Saturday and Sunday.

  2. Jeri Thompson was just on the Neil Cavutto show on Fox News. She was excellent! She not only defended Governor Palin, but all women, including women in Iran. I don't know if anyone can get a vid of that segment, but it might be worth a try.

  3. Piney, Fox put the video up, and I have posted it here.


    - JP
