Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sarah Palin: The future of the Republican Party

At gather.com, jJack Midknight has an op-ed published in which he says that Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is the future of the GOP, that is, "if they know what's good for them." Well, there's a problem right there, because the Stupid Party has shown few signs of knowing what is in its best interests.

He also argues that if the Left had only kept quiet about the 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate after the election, she would have perhaps faded away, only to be forgotten. We can't subscribe to that notion, because Sarah Palin, a force in her own right, has captured the hearts and minds of the party's conservative base. However, there's no denying that liberals, by their continuing harsh attacks on her and the Palin family, have kept the governor squarely in the news. Moreover, the nastiness of their attacks have helped to create a considerable amount of sympathy for Gov. Palin among the most important part of the electorate - independents. these are the "swing" voters who determine the outcomes of general elections. And the more vicious their attacks, the more the base loves her and becomes increasingly determined to defend her. The Left is compelled to do it, Midknight says:
The problem is, the liberal loons just can't help themselves, and are genetically encoded to attack anyone with ideas they deem repellent.
One of the best things the governor has going for her is the leadership she has shown on energy issues, as the author points out:
Palin has put together a deal with TransCanada, a pipeline building company, and Exxon, of the oil producing fame, to build a new pipeline from Alaska to the continental USA that will transport NATURAL gas.

I'm not sure many Americans yet realize, but natural gas is going to be a HUGE transitional fuel as we seek "independence from foreign oil supplies."

Natural gas is going to be a very large factor in fueling our cars, as well as our buildings, mainly because the USA has a very large reserve of natural gas at their disposal, and Palin has perfectly positioned herself to take advantage of this confluence of events.

This project ALONE will keep her in the news for the next few years, and I'm sure we can count on the leftist loons like David Letterman to keep her in the headlines as well.
Energy is the 800 pound elephant in the room, and Americans will have no choice but to take notice of it. Rising fuel prices, the Obama administration's tendency to overreach on green power and unforeseen events overseas could likely put the American electorate in an energy bind. And when that happens, Sarah Palin will be ready to lead them out of it.

- JP

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