Saturday, June 20, 2009

Quote of the Day (June 20, 2009)

It would seem that Texas Gov. Rick Perry's quote about Gov. Palin's endorsement being the stuff of GOP gold would be the logical choice for QOTD today.

If not that one, then Missouri Lt. Gov. Pete Kinder's remark about how the 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate "dragged John McCain across the finish line" in the Show Me State surely would win the honors.

And Jay Valentine' s quip that -- unlike Sarah -- Romney, Huckabee and Newt "couldn't fill up a high school stadium unless they were giving out free beer" was a pretty good contender. It won the humorous category hands down.

But I like Maggie Gallagher's line about what motivated Creepy Dave Letterman to finally offer a real apology to Gov. Palin and her daughters:
"According to news reports, Dave said he got a call from his mother earlier in the day telling him she was siding with Palin."
Fear the mom! No one can help you locate your misplaced sense of shame better than a disappointed parent. Honor thy father and mother, not just on Fathers Day and Mothers Day, but every day.

- JP

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