Friday, June 12, 2009

Sarah Palin Calls for Uprising against Creepy Dave

From ABC News:
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin called on the public to rise up in opposition over David Letterman's "degrading" jokes about her daughter this week. In a Friday morning television interview on NBC's "Today" show, Gov. Palin said the late-night comedian's remarks are a "sad commentary on where we are as a culture, as a society, to chuckle and laugh through comments such as he had made the other night, I think is quite unfortunate."
That uprising was well underway even before the governor called for it. On the web, sites such as Hillbuzz, Conservatives for Palin,, FRee Republic and Texas for Sarah Palin calls had being going out to contact Creepy Dave's sponsors, boycott their goods and services and take a stand for sisters, daughters, neices and graddaughters against the kind of abuse of young girls shamelessly exhibited by David Lecherman and his ilk. The goal is to force the CBS late night talk host to apologize, as the governor said:
"He doesn't have to apologize to me. I would like to see him apologize to young women across the country for contributing to that thread that is throughout our culture that makes it sound like it's ok to talk about young girls that way."
- JP

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